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REMINDER – – Call for Participation: DCN Curation Workshop For Specialized Data Types

  • Creator
  • #97528

    Wanda Marsolek

    **Please excuse cross posting**
    There is still time to apply! If folks have any questions, let me know!
    The Data Curation Network as part of
    the IMLS funded project, “Developing Specialized Data Curation Training
    to Address Needed Expertise in Focused Areas“ (RE-252343-OLS-22
    ) is excited to
    announce a two-day in-person workshop
    on October 17-18, 2023, at the Duke Campus in Durham, NC. This project uses
    a community-based approach to develop new curriculum materials for unique
    data types. We are looking for information professionals to help us pilot
    the new materials and engage with the curation community!
    At this workshop participants will consider the curation of four specific
    data types–geospatial data, code, simulations, and scientific images–and
    provide feedback to assist the instructional cohorts to refine their
    teaching materials. The workshop will build upon the CURATED
    Steps and participants
    will be asked to come to the workshop with a general understanding of the
    model (either via attendance at a previous CURATED training, attending a 3
    hour synchronous online session to be offered to all participants in late
    September, or completing the asynchronous online CURATED modules
    We invite applications from librarians and data stewards, researchers,
    domain-repository curators, and information professionals. Four travel
    scholarships are available for individuals at minority serving
    institutions, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities and
    Hispanic Serving Institutions, members of, historically marginalized
    communities, early career, non-traditional librarians, paraprofessionals,
    and graduate students interested in data curation. All participants will
    receive a small stipend ($500). Applications will be reviewed using the
    DCN’s publicly available rubric
    Please complete this application by
    August 15. Acceptance emails will be sent out by August 25. *Please note
    that currently international applications are not being accepted due to
    funding limitations.*
    Read more about the project
    Mx Wanda Marsolek, MLIS
    Pronouns : they/them/theirs
    Engineering Liaison and Data Curation Librarian
    University of Minnesota Libraries
    Walter Library 335A
    *The University of Minnesota is located on stolen
    lands of
    the **Dakhóta people. *

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