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RDA-Library Community Engagement

  • Creator
  • #138214

    Michael Witt

    Our group is beginning to track posters, presentations, and other ways that RDA has engaged the library community through professional associations, conferences, etc.

    Please add your activities or others that you are aware of that are not listed.

    • August 17, 2015. Kathleen Shearer, Buhle Mbambo Thata, Kay Raseroka, Michael Witt, Daisy Selematsela, Wolfram Horstmann, Elisha Chiware, Martha Whitehead, & James Mullins. Building Bridges between Libraries and Research Data. IFLA, Cape Town, South Africa. [congress programme abstract] [prezi] [handout]
    • June 4, 2015. George Alter, Gary Berg-Cross, Reagan Moore, Ingrid Dillo, & Mary Vardigan. First Products of the Research Data Alliance (RDA): Foundations. IASSIST. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. [panel abstract
    • June 3, 2015. Anne Etheridge. Making Data Citation Connections. IASSIST, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. [presentation abstract]
    • April , 2013. Mark Parsons & Fran Berman. The Research Data Alliance: Making Data Work. ASIS&T RDAP 2013, Batlitmore, Maryland, USA. [abstract] [poster]

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