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Plenary 3 (Dublin) — Libraries for Research Data — Skills Session

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  • #138631

    Libraries for Research Data — Research Data Workforce

     — Birds-of-a-Feather session —

    RDA Dublin, Thursday 27 March 2014

    Date: Thursday, 27 March 2014

    Time: 13:30-15:00

    Chairs: Wolfram Horstmann (Oxford University), Kathleen Shearer (COAR)

    Objective: Compiling a link-list on building research data workforce for communication to research institutions and libraries

    Description: Research Data have become a primary research asset that often requires continued access in the dynamic environment of mobile researchers, volatile repositories, transient products and short-lived standards. Libraries have looked after written research assets for centuries and now tackle the challenge of adapting their function to making data reliably accessible and re-usable.

    This requires a transformational approach to library services that includes technological, organisational and staffing aspects. At the 3rd RDA plenary in Dublin, the focal point of discussion shall be the library workforce needed to take on curation and stewardship for research data, implying following aspects:  

    1. 1. Practices: Examples within institutions, regionally, nationally and globally
    2. 2. Skilling: Training existing staff
    3. 3. Sourcing: Including disciplinary research data specialists in the libraries
    4. 4. Embedding: Placing library staff in disciplinary contexts
    5. 5. Supporting: Establishing support services or help-desks
    6. 6. Hiring: Job-Descriptions and recruitment processes
    7. 7. Educating: integrating RDM in disciplinary curricula or iSchools

    The session intends to produce a link-list for discussion and distribution within RDA as well as data and library communities.

    Draft Agenda

    13:30 Welcome and introductions

    13:35 Re-cap from the RDA 2nd plenary (Washington)

    13:45 Approaching the link-list: “Research Data Workforce” (target audiences, communication channel, form)

    14:00 Briefings and Updates (verbal or slides)

    • –   ARL (TBD)
    • –   AUSTRALIA/ANDS (Malcolm Wolski)
    • –   CARL (Kathleen Shearer)
    • –   CLIR (TBD)
    • –   COAR (Kathleen Shearer)
    • –   CODATA (Simon Hodson)
    • –   DCC (Kevin Ashley, TBC)
    • –   eScience Institute (Jonathan Markow)
    • –   IASSIST (Robin Ryce)
    • –   iSchools (TBD)
    • –   JAPAN (TBD)
    • –   LIBER (Birgit Schmidt)
    • –   Embedded Librarians (Simon Waddington)
    • –   Institutional experience (TBD)

    14:40 Drafting the link-list: “Research Data Workforce”

    14:55 Next steps and adjourn


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