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Open Science Initiatives in Asia

  • Creator
  • #134091

    Su Nee Goh

    Collaborative session notes:
    •  Introduction by Ms Su Nee GOH, Co-Chair, Libraries for Research Data IG (5 minutes)
    •  Open Science in Southeast Asia: Implementation, Autonomy and Moving Forward, by Dr Sandersan ONIE (15 minutes)
    Abstract: Over the past 10 years, open science has become an integral part of how we generate knowledge. However, we must move beyond that into understanding implementation. This presentation will discuss open science movements in Southeast Asia, along with the different considerations, challenges, and perspectives in the uptake of open science behaviours. We will examine a case studies, including how a grassroots organization in Indonesia was invited to submit science policy briefs. Finally, we will discuss strategic approaches to implementing open science in the region and the necessary pre-requisites for open science to not only take root, but to be assimilated in day to day science. 

    •  Open Data Practices in China: Focusing on Data repositories, Services and Promotions, by Ms TU Zhifang  (15 minutes)
    Abstract: This presentation aims to share some distinctive open data practices in China. Firstly, this presentation will show the three-level data repositories in China, including National Research Data Centers, Institutional Research Data Centers and Library Research Data Centers. Then, this presentation will describe the overviews of open data services by analyzing 589 cases from 20 National Research Data Centers in China, including the users (serve for whom), the services (what is served), the effect and impact. Finally, the presentation will introduce the promotional activities of open data to arise the awareness and improve the ability of data-driven innovation research around the universities and institutes.

    •  Open Repositories for Scholarly Communication and Participatory Research, by Dr CHUANG Tyng-Ruey  (15 minutes)
    Abstract: In this presentation we wish to articulate the multiple roles of open repositories can play in “open science” activities especially for countries yet to develop concrete policies and requirements about free and public access to scientific output (publications, datasets, etc.). We see open repositories as communities where researchers as well as citizens gather to share results and experiences, hence engage in open science practices. Building and operating an open repository for all, in our view, represents a grassroots approach to scholarly communication and participatory research. We will use our experience in running the depositar, an open repository built on top of CKAN, to illustrate the strengths and challenges of this bottom-up approach to open science.
    Click here to for the slides.
    •  Research data archives in the era of open science: Current challenges and future prospects of The Social Science Japan Data Archive (SSJDA) by Dr Megumi IKEDA and Dr Nobutada YOKOUCHI (15 minutes)
    Abstract: This presentation aims to illustrate how research data archives have contributed to the promotion of open science endeavors in Japan, by specifically focusing on the role of SSJDA in the field of social science. After briefly overviewing its history, organization, statistics, and operational process, we will discuss major challenges and future prospects of SSJDA, with particular focus on the following topics: different roles between SSJDA and libraries, inclusion of research data other than survey data, development of new remote analysis system, participation to Japan Data Catalog for the Humanities and Social Sciences (JDCat) for constructing comprehensive platform of metadata.
    Click here for the slides.

    •  Q&A, panel discussion. Moderators: Ms Su Nee GOH and Mr Naresh Kumar, Co-Chairs, Libraries for Research Data IG  (20 minutes)

    •   Closing by Dr Birgit Schmidt and Ms Su Nee GOH, Co-Chairs, Libraries for Research Data IG  (5 minutes)

    Dr Sandersan ONIE is an Indonesian researcher based in Australia. He recently published a Nature article on redesigning open science support for Asia: 


    Ms TU Zhifang is a digital scholarship librarian from the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences in China. She is currently a Ph.D candidate at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 


    Dr CHUANG Tyng-Ruey is an Academia SINICA researcher in Taiwan. He will be speaking about his team’s latest work for the research data repository at He will also be sharing about how he thinks universities could play a bigger role in open data in Taiwan.


    Assistant Professor Megumi IKEDA, Institute of Social Science, Social Research and Data Archive Research Center, The  University of Tokyo
    Dr Nobutada Yokouchi, Institute of Social Science, Social Research and Data Archive Research Center, The  University of Tokyo


    Applicable Pathways
    FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Adoption, Implementation, and Deployment, Data Infrastructures and Environments – Institutional, Data Infrastructures and Environments – Regional or Disciplinary

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Engaging Researchers with Data IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Su Nee Goh

    Meeting objectives
    This meeting will provide a venue for Open Science initiatives in Asia to be shared, next steps to be discussed, and future directions to be explored. 

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 19

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