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IG Libraries for Research Data – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting

  • Creator
  • #134366

    Meeting title
    Project updates & presentations on topical RDM library issues and discussions
    Collaborative session notes:
    Meeting Location: Commonwealth D
    Short introduction describing the scope of the group and if any previous activities
    Research Data have become a primary research asset that often requires continued access in the dynamic environment of mobile researchers, volatile repositories, transient products and short-lived standards. Libraries have looked after written research assets for centuries and now tackle the challenge of adapting their function to making data reliably accessible and re-usable. Additional links to informative material related to the group
    Meeting objectives

    Inform all members of the group about the projects led by the Libraries for Research Data IG
    Allow group members to provide feedback on the projects
    Allow group members to join existing projects of the group
    Update the group on recent important developments in research data management
    Allow group members to shape the scope and direction of the future work of the group

    Meeting agenda

    Introduction (10 minutes)
    Speaker (20 minutes): “User Stories and Agile Project Management in Developing Repository Software” Dr. Devan Ray Donaldson, Indiana University
    Project updates (30 minutes):
    –Engaging Researchers with Research Data
    –10 FAIR Things
    –FAIR Lessons in a Carpentry Style
    Feedback on the projects (10 minutes)
    Lightning talks about recent developments in data management (10 minutes)
    Discussion about future directions of the group and closing remarks (10 minutes)

    Target audience
    Librarians, data managers, repository managers, archivists, data stewards
    Group chair serving as contact person:
    Juliane Schneider
    Type of meeting:
    Informative meeting
    Remote Access Instructions
    coming soon

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