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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Third IASSIST Africa Regional Workshop (18th – 20th October, 2023) Pretoria, South Africa

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  • #98104

    The 3rd  Africa Regional Workshop  of the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST), an international organization of professionals working with information technology and data services to support research and teaching in collaboration with the Data Intensive Research Initiative of South Africa will be held at the 
    Council for Scientific and Industrial Research International Convention Centre (CSIR ICC)
    Pretoria, South Africa.
    from 18th to 20th October 2023. The conference will be a hybrid event with in-person meetings in Pretoria and virtual participation. 
    Submitting Abstracts – DEADLINE: 31st May 2023
    We welcome submissions for presentations, paper and  posters. The theme of this year’s conference is  Re-imagining the future of Research Data Management
    Submissions from data professionals on the following topics will be prioritized: 
    §  Research data management re-imagined for the future.
    §  Developing data literacy skills for the future
    §  Machine learning, robotics, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
    §  Data analytics and visualization
    §  Data sharing responsibilities
    §  Data collection, storage, backup and preservation
    §  Indigenous knowledge and data
    §  Data protection, ethics, legal compliance and legislation as it relates to research data
    §  Data privacy and security
    §  Innovative practices in research data management – new methods, technologies and approaches
    §  Towards Industry 5.0 and beyond in research data management
    Abstract  submission Link:
    Registration Link:

    Questions about presentation submissions may be sent to the Program Chairs (Dr.Nobubele Shozi, Xolani Nkosi and Dr. Robert Buwule) at 
    Support for Attending the Conference
    IASSIST Fellows Program supports data professionals from countries with emerging economies and underrepresented regions who are developing information infrastructures regarding the use and preservation of public and private data and implementing information policy decisions at their home institutions.
    IASSIST Early Professional Fellows Program supports early career data professionals from under-resourced institutions and recognizes the value of new and innovative ideas from graduates and professionals new to data in the social sciences, who may not otherwise have the funding to participate in the workshop.
    Applications can be made at   and will close on 15th July 2023. Please address your questions about the Fellows Program to Fellows Committee Co-Chairs Florio Arguillas ( and Sarah Young (

    Please feel free to contact for any other questions.

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