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An invitation to Participate in a Survey on Data Science for 21st Century Library and Information Professions

  • Creator
  • #97375

    Dear Colleague,
    Data science and analytics are receiving increased attention across several sectors, including the information professions. For data science and analytics to play a constructive role in information environments, workforce development by iSchools and LIS departments needs to match the demand for information professionals with data and data analytics skills. Considering this, we are conducting a survey of employers, current students, and data science professionals and/or data librarians to gauge the activity level concerning the demand and supply of information professionals with data and data analytics skills. In addition, we plan to identify the various types of data and data analytics skills necessary in the context of the information professions.
    As one of the employers, students, or practitioners involved in data science and analytics education or practice, we cordially request your participation in the survey by completing this questionnaire ( and volunteering to be part of a focus group discussion. The questionnaire should take at most 10 minutes of your time, and the focus group discussion about an hour, provided that the information we request is available to you. We collect no personal information that could identify you and/or your institution. We will not publish such information if you provide it voluntarily.
    Upon completing the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card if you elect to do so. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail at We thank you in advance and promise to share a summary of the survey results.
    Please click here to start the survey:

    Abebe Rorissa

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