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Wellcome sponsorship status

  • Creator
  • #123536

    Mark Parsons

    Hi all,
    I have communicated with John Wood about contacting Wellcome for IDW sponsorship. He’s going to talk to Geoffrey about sending a joint letter. Claudia could then follow up as needed when she talks to Katherine in February.
    p.s. I’m not copying you all on all my sponsorship correspondence. Instead I will send periodic summaries and keep the spreadsheet updated.

  • Author
  • #133530

    yes good point about who should get the correspondence. I try to avoid blind copies (that eventually are not so blind) but we should have some sort of rules among ourselves. Bernard

  • #133529

    Hi Mark.
    Thanks for the update. I will inform Claudia accordingly. It would be good
    if you could also communicate to us the name of the Wellcome Trust contact
    to whom the letter will be sent. (We should add the contacts on the
    I agree that the best approach is to avoid copying the group in our
    sponsorship requests and simply update the spreadsheet and inform the group
    during our weekly calls. We all receive (send) too many emails already and
    less is good.

  • #133528

    However, I do think that recipients of asks should know who gets the information shared with them. Bernard

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