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Telecon notes May 13

  • Creator
  • #138259

    Notes – 

    Our master schedule will be here:


    The order of the meetings is set – SciDataCon, then IDW Day, then RDA


    Messaging – idea – data science as an emerging topic; Simon to write it up and circulate a strawman   Data Science as it relates to policy; policy as it relates to data science; component events are complementary [overarching theory to practice]


    Action – Simon to write up the strawman for the messaging and connected theme for the week and distribute on or about May 18.

    Action – All to review the tabs on the spreadsheet for scheduling and associated parts, and fill in their thoughts on Committee mission, Committee membership, ideas for Keynote speakers

    Action – Kathy to put out a doodle poll for the next meeting dates


    Next meeting – May 28th or 29th, to review proposals and make a selection if at all possible; to review Committees and get them started; to finalize the messaging; AOB.


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