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Re: Preliminary site selection specs for International Data Week

  • Creator
  • #124700

    Dear Matt,
    Thank you very much for your email and the attached list of specs for the
    venue selection. We are working under tight deadlines indeed and we greatly
    appreciate your efforts to contact the venues as soon as possible.
    I have reviewed the document and made some additions (in track changes so
    you can easily identify these). I also added comments for clarification.
    The main additions are an extra room on Sunday 11 September for the the WDS
    Members Forum and a meeting room on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 for the WDS
    Scientific Committee meeting.
    As far as we discussed, SciDataCon will run for two days (Monday and
    Tuesday) with the preceding Friday, Saturday Sunday used by CODATA and WDS
    (and maybe RDA) for their pre-meetings (for e.g the CODATA General Assembly
    and WDS Members Forum). Wednesday will be a joint IDW Forum co-organized by
    RDA, CODATA and WDS. The RDA Plenary should run on Thursday, Friday and
    Saturday, but please confirm with Kathy.
    Best wishes and I am really looking forward to work with you and your team
    over the coming year.

    *Mustapha Mokrane*, PhD. | Executive Director
    World Data System-International Programme Office
    c/o NICT, 4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
    Tel: +81 4 2327 6004 Fax: +81 4 2327 6490 Mob:+81 90 5790 4732
    ***@***.*** |


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