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Re: [idw][secretariat] [idw] Action required: IDW assessment

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  • #120922

    Mark Parsons

    Thanks Mustapha. I know Lynn is also following up.
    I hope the rest of you are too. 🙂
    Seriously, these are big questions, and we, of all people, should be data-driven organisations.
    On Sep 22, 2016, at 20:41, Mustapha Mokrane wrote:
    Hi Mark,
    Thank you very much for the hard work that went into this. I agree that we should do this quickly while things are still fresh in peoples minds.
    I will request the WDS-SC members to complete the IDW assessment and will do the same with our main funder (NICT) and also Science Council of Japan.
    Note: I added a field for the name (not mandatory though) as I think it is useful to know who did provide the answers.
    Best wishes.
    Mustapha Mokrane, PhD. | Executive Director
    World Data System-International Programme Office
    c/o NICT, 4! -2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
    Tel: +81 4 2327 6004 Fax: +81 4 2327 6490 Mob:+81 90 5790 4732
    ***@***.*** |
    On 23 September 2016 at 08:55, Mark Parsons
    Dear IDW organizing team and RDA Secretariat,
    I really want to ensure we accurately and fairly assess the value and impact of IDW. This requires effort from all of you.
    I am following up with our assessment approach defined here:
    Timea and Lynn are compiling the basic quantitative stats (they may need additional info from CODATA and WDS). The participant survey is in progress. I would like to focus on the subjective, qualitative assessment of key stakeholders.
    I have put our basic interview questions into a google form. You all should complete the form. In addition, I request that some people follow up with key stakeholders. Ask them to complete the form or better yet, interview them and complete the form as you do so.
    You can find it here: (I have given Simon, Mustapha, Yolanda, Hilary, and Lynn edit rights to the form.)
    I will send the questionnaire to or interview a couple RDA Council members (Ross, Kay) and a few of our funders. (Josh, Celina, Bill M., Bob H.)
    Lynn, can you please approach the TAB co-chairs and one or two members—maybe Larry and Ingrid.
    Fotis, can you please approach the OAB co-chairs and one or two members—maybe Fab and Malcolm.
    Hilary, can you select a few WG/IG chairs—maybe Andres R., Rob Hooft, Elise Dunham, and Bridget Almas.
    Simon and Mustapha, you should select a few people from your key constituencies — your SC and EC — and maybe some of the sponsors notably Moore.
    It may be useful to share the key questions we are trying to address and the major objectives of the meeting. I include those below for your convenience.
    Can we commit to get this done in the next week or so and then discuss all the assessment data in about two weeks? A final IDW debrief.
    Overall Questions on the Success of IDW:
    Was the extra time, effort, and investment worth it for…
    organizers? (early response – considerable more time/effort required from the organizing team)
    Can we quantify any savings for organizers, sponsors and participants through collocated events?
    Did participants and others save money through attending multiple events at the same location?
    Did collocation attract greater attendance?
    Did collocation attract greater sponsorships?
    Should we do something like this again? If so, when, where, and how could it be improved?
    Goals for the Events:
    Goals and criteria of International Data Week
    Increase the cross-community awareness of data issues and the people working to address those issues
    Advance the discussion around these issues and make advances to addressing them.
    Demonstrate and increase or improve collaboration of major international data organisations (specifically the big 3 but others as well)
    Improve the the efficiency of international community engagement by consolidating events.
    Build a larger and more international, yet cohesive and interconnected, community of data professionals.
    Improved collaboration between the principals (WDS, CODATA, RDA)
    Goals and criteria of International Data Forum
    Engage diverse stakeholders, notably researchers and policy makers, in advancing the discussion of issues around “Data for the Public Good”
    Raise awareness of the hosting organisations and sponsors.
    Increase engagement in SciDataCon and P8. Encourage more all week participation.
    Goals and criteria of RDA Plenary 8
    Advance the work of the Working and Interest Groups
    Advance collaboration across the Groups
    Advance community relationships and the shared, open culture of RDA
    Inform the community of RDA outputs, activities, and operations.
    Goals and criteria of SciDataCon
    Advance ‘research data science’ as a field (comprising research and practice) and position SciDataCon as the scholarly conference for the field
    Improve the quality of scholarly papers at SciDataCon in comparison to previous editions of this and the CODATA conference
    Expand the community engaged with ‘research data science’ and broaden participation

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