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Re: [idw] IDW Re: touching base 10/1/15

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  • #124214

    Simon Hodson

    My concerns about Denver and my preference for Baltimore are expressed in
    the following:
    – we originally preferred an East Coast venue after P5 numbers were down.
    – a quick sampling of flight cost to Baltimore and Denver from Europe shows
    a 2:3 ratio (i.e. 50% more).
    – I think if we go to Denver we are likely abandoning the idea of a large
    policy and issues forum for the shared Wednesday – the rationale for that
    day and for holding it East Coast was to attract government, UN etc
    people. This will be harder to do in Denver.
    – the ‘Data Revolution’ activity on SDGs is planning an Open Data
    Conference. This has been mentioned on previous calls. At Eye-on-Earth,
    Nairobi in September was mentioned (I will check this with Bob).
    – the lead in time for the research conference (SciDataCon) part of this
    event has been cut dramatically. I think even the difference between Sept
    and Oct helps us.
    Best wishes,

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