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Re: Fwd: Sponsorship for SciDataCon

  • Creator
  • #123689

    Dear Elaine,
    Dear Claudia,
    Cc. IDW Steering Group
    Thank you both for the very useful information about NIH and Wellcome
    Trust sponsorship and for offering to help. I am sharing your emails below
    with the IDW Steering Group (Fran Berman, Mark Parsons, Yolanda Meleco and
    Hillary Hanahoe from RDA and Simon Hodson of CODATA).
    I understand from Elaine that the standard NIH route
    will be difficult as we would
    need a finalized conference programme to submit the proposal by the next
    deadline 12 April. We will realistically have a draft programme of
    SciDatCon 2016—the research conference part—by end of February after the
    session submissions deadline (14 Feb) and a detailed programme end of April
    after the papers submission deadline (17 April). The International Data
    Forum and RDA Plenary programmes are not dependent on a submission
    procedure and could be available earlier. Do you think this could work with
    a draft programme?
    I understand also from Elaine that there might be a less formal channel
    with individual NIH institutes and that a proposal following this route
    needs to be strategically tied with relevant health sessions on the
    programmes of the 3 events. This seems to be doable: we could invite them
    to organize a session for SciDataCon but also work on presence for the
    International Data Forum and maybe RDA Plenary. Elaine—Do you have any
    specific contacts in mind?
    Thanks Claudia for suggesting the name of *Phil Bourne* at NIH. The
    connection with Jane Hunter is certainly worth trying. His name came up
    also in RDA, so lets explore this further with the Steering Group and
    sponsorship group when it becomes active.
    *Wellcome Trust:*
    Claudia, thanks for sharing you contact Katherine Littler and for offering
    to contact her. The data sharing work of their Policy Division seems to be
    a good hook and we can discuss how to add the developing countries element
    to interest them even more. I am attaching a draft of the sponsorship
    package information (do not circulate!). I will send you the finalized one
    as soon as it is available. We would appreciate if you could initiate the
    contact with Katherine.
    *Other sponsors:*
    Elaine—we will distribute the sponsorship invitation and package currently
    being finalized to *International Scientific Unions* through CODATA, WDS
    and ICSU channels. However, more targeted approaches as you suggest with
    IUPAC have better chances of being successful. Would you be able to
    initiate the contact with IUPAC?
    We have not explored *Amazon* or *Google* yet as far as I know. We will add
    these to our list. Claudia—contacts are welcome.
    Elaine—beyond sponsorship, the idea of adding the topic of ‘data
    for personalized medicine’ is valuable if it can help us engage specific
    branches of NIH for the conference. We can have this discussion with the
    Programme Committees of SciDataCon and IDW (some of the people copied will
    be sitting on these committees)
    Best regards.
    Dear Elaine,
    Dear Claudia,
    Cc. IDW Steering Group
    Thank you both for the very useful information about NIH and Wellcome
    Trust sponsorship and for offering to help. I am sharing your emails below
    with the IDW Steering Group (Fran Berman, Mark Parsons, Yolanda Meleco and
    Hillary Hanahoe from RDA and Simon Hodson of CODATA).
    I understand from Elaine that the standard NIH route
    will be difficult as we would
    need a finalized conference programme to submit the proposal by the next
    deadline 12 April. We will realistically have a draft programme of
    SciDatCon 2016—the research conference part—by end of February after the
    session submissions deadline (14 Feb) and a detailed programme end of April
    after the papers submission deadline (17 April). The International Data
    Forum and RDA Plenary programmes are not dependent on a submission
    procedure and could be available earlier. Do you think this could work with
    a draft programme?
    I understand also from Elaine that there might be a less formal channel
    with individual NIH institutes and that a proposal following this route
    needs to be strategically tied with relevant health sessions on the
    programmes of the 3 events. This seems to be doable: we could invite them
    to organize a session for SciDataCon but also work on presence for the
    International Data Forum and maybe RDA Plenary. Elaine—Do you have any
    specific contacts in mind?
    Thanks Claudia for suggesting the name of *Phil Bourne* at NIH. The
    connection with Jane Hunter is certainly worth trying. His name came up
    also in RDA, so lets explore this further with the Steering Group and
    sponsorship group when it becomes active.
    *Wellcome Trust:*
    Claudia, thanks for sharing you contact Katherine Littler and for offering
    to contact her. The data sharing work of their Policy Division seems to be
    a good hook and we can discuss how to add the developing countries element
    to interest them even more. I am attaching a draft of the sponsorship
    package information (do not circulate!). I will send you the finalized one
    as soon as it is available. We would appreciate if you could initiate the
    contact with Katherine.
    *Other sponsors:*
    Elaine—we will distribute the sponsorship invitation and package currently
    being finalized to *International Scientific Unions* through CODATA, WDS
    and ICSU channels. However, more targeted approaches as you suggest with
    IUPAC have better chances of being successful. Would you be able to
    initiate the contact with IUPAC?
    We have not explored *Amazon* or *Google* yet as far as I know. We will add
    these to our list. Claudia—contacts are welcome.
    Elaine—beyond sponsorship, the idea of adding the topic of ‘data
    for personalized medicine’ is valuable if it can help us engage specific
    branches of NIH for the conference. We can have this discussion with the
    Programme Committees of SciDataCon and IDW (some of the people copied will
    be sitting on these committees)
    Best regards.
    On 12 January 2016 at 04:26, Emerson, Claudia wrote:
    > Hi All,
    > Happy new year, I hope it’s off to a good start!
    > I know Katherine Littler at the Wellcome Trust, I’d be happy to approach
    > her. I would need to have the informational/ sponsorship package to pitch
    > the case. They might be interested, since their Policy Division has done a
    > lot of pioneering work on data sharing. Katherine would be interested if
    > the conference program has elements of value to developing countries. I
    > would try to persuade her to give a presentation.
    > On the NIH side, why don’t we approach Philip Bourne, the associate
    > director of Data Science?
    > I don’t know him, but I know that he is a good friend of Jane Hunter.
    > Following on Elaine’s idea of approaching Amazon, why not approach Google
    > (or Google Analytics, Google Health)? Do we have a contact at Amazon? I
    > sat on a panel 2 years ago with a director of data analytics from Amazon –
    > I’ll see if I can find the program, and we could reach out to that guy.
    > Unfortunately, Gates does not fund anything which isn’t a study (I asked
    > my PO, just in case they’d be willing to consider this under the auspices
    > of advancing policy and advocacy for open data).
    > Best / Claudia
    On 11 January 2016 at 05:54, Elaine M. Faustman



  • Author
  • #133548

    Hi Elaine and all,
    I was emailing with Allen Dearry at NIEHS last night and mentioned sponsorships to him and he said the same thing about timeframe. He and I have a telecon with others tomorrow and will mention it again to see if there is a workaround for smaller sums of money. I was on NIGMS Council in the 2000’s and I remember the grant process as being quite thoughtful and many-step. Perhaps sponsorships can go through a different route than grants.
    Dr. Francine Berman
    Chair, Research Data Alliance / US
    Edward P. Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Computer Science
    Director, Center for a Digital Society
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    From: Elaine M. Faustman [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 10:59 PM
    To: Mustapha Mokrane; Claudia Emerson
    Cc: ***@***.***; Berman, Fran; Parsons, Mark; Simon Hodson; Meleco, Yolanda Anne; Hilary Hanahoe; Sandy Harrison; ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: Fwd: Sponsorship for SciDataCon
    Mustapha — Hello! Thanks for preparing this summary and list of items to follow-up. I did have one modification regarding the Standard NIH route and it has to do with the length of time and process for review after we submit.
    If we submit for the April date then it will take 4 to 4.5 months to review and for us to receive our score. After that it usually takes 1 to 1.5 months for the individual councils to meet and to make a decision to fund. We would receive funding after that which translates for earliest receipt of funding at 5 to 6 months later in Sept. to October. We will have to discuss this with our NIH institute contact to see if they would still consider with this short funding interval. This is when the direct NIH contact route may prove more feasible.
    Regards, Elaine
    On 1/12/2016 12:57 AM, Mustapha Mokrane wrote:
    Dear Elaine,
    Dear Claudia,
    Cc. IDW Steering Group
    Thank you both for the very useful information about NIH and Wellcome Trust sponsorship and for offering to help. I am sharing your emails below with the IDW Steering Group (Fran Berman, Mark Parsons, Yolanda Meleco and Hillary Hanahoe from RDA and Simon Hodson of CODATA).
    I understand from Elaine that the standard NIH route will be difficult as we would need a finalized conference programme to submit the proposal by the next deadline 12 April. We will realistically have a draft programme of SciDatCon 2016—the research conference part—by end of February after the session submissions deadline (14 Feb) and a detailed programme end of April after the papers submission deadline (17 April). The International Data Forum and RDA Plenary programmes are not dependent on a submission procedure and could be available earlier. Do you think this could work with a draft programme?
    I understand also from Elaine that there might be a less formal channel with individual NIH institutes and that a proposal following this route needs to be strategically tied with relevant health sessions on the programmes of the 3 events. This seems to be doable: we could invite them to organize a session for SciDataCon but also work on presence for the International Data Forum and maybe RDA Plenary. Elaine—Do you have any specific contacts in mind?
    Thanks Claudia for suggesting the name of Phil Bourne at NIH. The connection with Jane Hunter is certainly worth trying. His name came up also in RDA, so lets explore this further with the Steering Group and sponsorship group when it becomes active.
    Wellcome Trust:
    Claudia, thanks for sharing you contact Katherine Littler and for offering to contact her. The data sharing work of their Policy Division seems to be a good hook and we can discuss how to add the developing countries element to interest them even more. I am attaching a draft of the sponsorship package information (do not circulate!). I will send you the finalized one as soon as it is available. We would appreciate if you could initiate the contact with Katherine.
    Other sponsors:
    Elaine—we will distribute the sponsorship invitation and package currently being finalized to International Scientific Unions through CODATA, WDS and ICSU channels. However, more targeted approaches as you suggest with IUPAC have better chances of being successful. Would you be able to initiate the contact with IUPAC?
    We have not explored Amazon or Google yet as far as I know. We will add these to our list. Claudia—contacts are welcome.
    Elaine—beyond sponsorship, the idea of adding the topic of ‘data for personalized medicine’ is valuable if it can help us engage specific branches of NIH for the conference. We can have this discussion with the Programme Committees of SciDataCon and IDW (some of the people copied will be sitting on these committees)
    Best regards.
    On 12 January 2016 at 04:26, Emerson, Claudia wrote:
    Hi All,
    Happy new year, I hope it’s off to a good start!
    I know Katherine Littler at the Wellcome Trust, I’d be happy to approach her. I would need to have the informational/ sponsorship package to pitch the case. They might be interested, since their Policy Division has done a lot of pioneering work on data sharing. Katherine would be interested if the conference program has elements of value to developing countries. I would try to persuade her to give a presentation.
    On the NIH side, why don’t we approach Philip Bourne, the associate director of Data Science?…. I don’t know him, but I know that he is a good friend of Jane Hunter.
    Following on Elaine’s idea of approaching Amazon, why not approach Google (or Google Analytics, Google Health)? Do we have a contact at Amazon? I sat on a panel 2 years ago with a director of data analytics from Amazon – I’ll see if I can find the program, and we could reach out to that guy.
    Unfortunately, Gates does not fund anything which isn’t a study (I asked my PO, just in case they’d be willing to consider this under the auspices of advancing policy and advocacy for open data).
    Best / Claudia
    On 11 January 2016 at 05:54, Elaine M. Faustman wrote:
    Dear Mustapha,
    Hello and Happy New year!
    For the NIH options I am familiar and have been successful in submitting conference grants and I have included information below. Please note however that the timing is not good for this mechanism for the World Data conference.
    The process is such that you first contact program officials for the Institute, then if approved you are invited to write a proposal. These are due three times per year and we missed one in early Dec., thus the next one is for April 12. Because our conference is in Sept I do not think we would get funding in time. I would have a draft proposal if needed and could help but the other item is that we have to present a finalized program . These grants can be approx $10,000 in size. There is a remote chance that we could obtain money informally from an Institute but we would need specific details on a program and perhaps have NIH as an active presenter, etc. This means also some strategic planning with the sessions to see if we can link topic with funding sources?
    I do not have any contacts at the Welcome Trust.
    Have you explored Amazon? I will look at their website to see if anything comes up.
    Also do we have plans for our reach for the larger ICSU unions community? For example IUPAC might be interested but would need to be called to the table?
    Also with the emphasis in the US on the personalized medicine initiatives — there has been lots of discussion of databases needed. This would be an ideal topic and one we might be able to approach specific branches of NIH to participate and self-fund? Should we facilitate some discussions to pull forth these ideas? esp as these are for our interest in increasing emphasis on human health databases?
    NIH Conference Grant Information:
    R13 general info:
    R13 program announcement:
    R13 due dates: April 12, August 12, and December 12
    Example timeline of our recent IUTOX R13 conference grant submission (NOTE almost 12 month prior planning)
    August 7, 2015 – Submitted final proposal to sponsor
    December 7, 2016 – Scientific review meeting
    December 8, 2015 – Received score
    December 16, 2015 – Received summary statement
    July 1, 2016 – Requested start date
    October 2-6, 2016 – IUTOX International Congress of Toxicology Conference
    On 1/8/2016 1:30 AM, Mustapha Mokrane wrote:
    Dear Elaine,
    My warmest wishes for the New Year! Yesterday, we had the first meeting regarding sponsorship for International Data Week and ScidataCon 2016. Just before the end of last year I sent you the email below to explore sponsorship opportunities in the health sector, in particular from NIH (Welcome Trust was also mentioned yesterday). Do you have any connections to these organizations or others that we could explore?
    Best regards.
    Hi Elaine and all,
    I was emailing with Allen Dearry at NIEHS last night and mentioned sponsorships to him and he said the same thing about timeframe. He and I have a telecon with others tomorrow and will mention it again to see if there is a workaround for smaller sums of money. I was on NIGMS Council in the 2000’s and I remember the grant process as being quite thoughtful and many-step. Perhaps sponsorships can go through a different route than grants.
    Dr. Francine Berman
    Chair, Research Data Alliance / US
    Edward P. Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Computer Science
    Director, Center for a Digital Society
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    From: Elaine M. Faustman [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 10:59 PM
    To: Mustapha Mokrane; Claudia Emerson
    Cc: ***@***.***; Berman, Fran; Parsons, Mark; Simon Hodson; Meleco, Yolanda Anne; Hilary Hanahoe; Sandy Harrison; ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: Fwd: Sponsorship for SciDataCon
    Mustapha — Hello! Thanks for preparing this summary and list of items to follow-up. I did have one modification regarding the Standard NIH route and it has to do with the length of time and process for review after we submit.
    If we submit for the April date then it will take 4 to 4.5 months to review and for us to receive our score. After that it usually takes 1 to 1.5 months for the individual councils to meet and to make a decision to fund. We would receive funding after that which translates for earliest receipt of funding at 5 to 6 months later in Sept. to October. We will have to discuss this with our NIH institute contact to see if they would still consider with this short funding interval. This is when the direct NIH contact route may prove more feasible.
    Regards, Elaine
    On 1/12/2016 12:57 AM, Mustapha Mokrane wrote:
    Dear Elaine,
    Dear Claudia,
    Cc. IDW Steering Group
    Thank you both for the very useful information about NIH and Wellcome Trust sponsorship and for offering to help. I am sharing your emails below with the IDW Steering Group (Fran Berman, Mark Parsons, Yolanda Meleco and Hillary Hanahoe from RDA and Simon Hodson of CODATA).
    I understand from Elaine that the standard NIH route will be difficult as we would need a finalized conference programme to submit the proposal by the next deadline 12 April. We will realistically have a draft programme of SciDatCon 2016—the research conference part—by end of February after the session submissions deadline (14 Feb) and a detailed programme end of April after the papers submission deadline (17 April). The International Data Forum and RDA Plenary programmes are not dependent on a submission procedure and could be available earlier. Do you think this could work with a draft programme?
    I understand also from Elaine that there might be a less formal channel with individual NIH institutes and that a proposal following this route needs to be strategically tied with relevant health sessions on the programmes of the 3 events. This seems to be doable: we could invite them to organize a session for SciDataCon but also work on presence for the International Data Forum and maybe RDA Plenary. Elaine—Do you have any specific contacts in mind?
    Thanks Claudia for suggesting the name of Phil Bourne at NIH. The connection with Jane Hunter is certainly worth trying. His name came up also in RDA, so lets explore this further with the Steering Group and sponsorship group when it becomes active.
    Wellcome Trust:
    Claudia, thanks for sharing you contact Katherine Littler and for offering to contact her. The data sharing work of their Policy Division seems to be a good hook and we can discuss how to add the developing countries element to interest them even more. I am attaching a draft of the sponsorship package information (do not circulate!). I will send you the finalized one as soon as it is available. We would appreciate if you could initiate the contact with Katherine.
    Other sponsors:
    Elaine—we will distribute the sponsorship invitation and package currently being finalized to International Scientific Unions through CODATA, WDS and ICSU channels. However, more targeted approaches as you suggest with IUPAC have better chances of being successful. Would you be able to initiate the contact with IUPAC?
    We have not explored Amazon or Google yet as far as I know. We will add these to our list. Claudia—contacts are welcome.
    Elaine—beyond sponsorship, the idea of adding the topic of ‘data for personalized medicine’ is valuable if it can help us engage specific branches of NIH for the conference. We can have this discussion with the Programme Committees of SciDataCon and IDW (some of the people copied will be sitting on these committees)
    Best regards.
    On 12 January 2016 at 04:26, Emerson, Claudia wrote:
    Hi All,
    Happy new year, I hope it’s off to a good start!
    I know Katherine Littler at the Wellcome Trust, I’d be happy to approach her. I would need to have the informational/ sponsorship package to pitch the case. They might be interested, since their Policy Division has done a lot of pioneering work on data sharing. Katherine would be interested if the conference program has elements of value to developing countries. I would try to persuade her to give a presentation.
    On the NIH side, why don’t we approach Philip Bourne, the associate director of Data Science?…. I don’t know him, but I know that he is a good friend of Jane Hunter.
    Following on Elaine’s idea of approaching Amazon, why not approach Google (or Google Analytics, Google Health)? Do we have a contact at Amazon? I sat on a panel 2 years ago with a director of data analytics from Amazon – I’ll see if I can find the program, and we could reach out to that guy.
    Unfortunately, Gates does not fund anything which isn’t a study (I asked my PO, just in case they’d be willing to consider this under the auspices of advancing policy and advocacy for open data).
    Best / Claudia
    On 11 January 2016 at 05:54, Elaine M. Faustman wrote:
    Dear Mustapha,
    Hello and Happy New year!
    For the NIH options I am familiar and have been successful in submitting conference grants and I have included information below. Please note however that the timing is not good for this mechanism for the World Data conference.
    The process is such that you first contact program officials for the Institute, then if approved you are invited to write a proposal. These are due three times per year and we missed one in early Dec., thus the next one is for April 12. Because our conference is in Sept I do not think we would get funding in time. I would have a draft proposal if needed and could help but the other item is that we have to present a finalized program . These grants can be approx $10,000 in size. There is a remote chance that we could obtain money informally from an Institute but we would need specific details on a program and perhaps have NIH as an active presenter, etc. This means also some strategic planning with the sessions to see if we can link topic with funding sources?
    I do not have any contacts at the Welcome Trust.
    Have you explored Amazon? I will look at their website to see if anything comes up.
    Also do we have plans for our reach for the larger ICSU unions community? For example IUPAC might be interested but would need to be called to the table?
    Also with the emphasis in the US on the personalized medicine initiatives — there has been lots of discussion of databases needed. This would be an ideal topic and one we might be able to approach specific branches of NIH to participate and self-fund? Should we facilitate some discussions to pull forth these ideas? esp as these are for our interest in increasing emphasis on human health databases?
    NIH Conference Grant Information:
    R13 general info:
    R13 program announcement:
    R13 due dates: April 12, August 12, and December 12
    Example timeline of our recent IUTOX R13 conference grant submission (NOTE almost 12 month prior planning)
    August 7, 2015 – Submitted final proposal to sponsor
    December 7, 2016 – Scientific review meeting
    December 8, 2015 – Received score
    December 16, 2015 – Received summary statement
    July 1, 2016 – Requested start date
    October 2-6, 2016 – IUTOX International Congress of Toxicology Conference
    On 1/8/2016 1:30 AM, Mustapha Mokrane wrote:
    Dear Elaine,
    My warmest wishes for the New Year! Yesterday, we had the first meeting regarding sponsorship for International Data Week and ScidataCon 2016. Just before the end of last year I sent you the email below to explore sponsorship opportunities in the health sector, in particular from NIH (Welcome Trust was also mentioned yesterday). Do you have any connections to these organizations or others that we could explore?
    Best regards.

    >>> SciDataCon 2016: Advancing the Frontiers of Data in Research <<<
    11–13 September 2016 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA
    Call for Session Proposals: Deadline 14 February 2016

    Mustapha Mokrane, PhD. | Executive Director
    World Data System-International Programme Office
    c/o NICT, 4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
    Tel: +81 4 2327 6004 Fax: +81 4 2327 6490 Mob:+81 90 5790 4732
    ***@***.*** |
    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Mustapha Mokrane
    Date: 17 December 2015 at 23:09
    Subject: Sponsorship for SciDataCon
    To: Elaine Faustman
    Dear Elaine,
    I hope this email finds you well. We had a first call to initiate the work for SciDataCon 2016 and International Data Forum sponsorship. The events are announced and a press release is out (see:…).
    NIST ( has committed $75k and we have identified different other possible funders in the range of $10-20k: Sloan Foundation, Moore Foundation, Elsevier, ESRI.
    We need to identify another significant sponsor in the same level as NIST, and one possibilty we discussed is NIH. I remember you said that you had some ideas about sponsorship. Would these include NIH and do you have contacts there?
    We will have another call on 7 January at 12:30 UTC about finances and sponsorship. A sponsorship packakge will be also finalized by mid-January.
    With best regards.

    Mustapha Mokrane, PhD. | Executive Director
    World Data System-International Programme Office
    c/o NICT, 4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
    Tel: +81 4 2327 6004 Fax: +81 4 2327 6490 Mob:+81 90 5790 4732
    ***@***.*** |

    Elaine M. Faustman, Ph.D. DABT
    Professor and Director
    Institute for Risk Analysis and Risk Communication
    Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
    University of Washington
    4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite #100
    Seattle, WA 98105-6099
    Phone: 206-685-2269
    Fax: 206-685-4696

    Elaine M. Faustman, Ph.D. DABT
    Professor and Director
    Institute for Risk Analysis and Risk Communication
    Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
    University of Washington
    4225 Roosevelt Way NE, Suite #100
    Seattle, WA 98105-6099
    Phone: 206-685-2269
    Fax: 206-685-4696

  • #133547

    Simon Hodson

    FYI, Ingrid Dillo, Anita de Waard and I will be giving a remote presentation next week to Allan Dearry and an NIH group on the income streams and business models work we have been doing.
    That work itself is a good example of cooperation – it is an RDA-WDS Interest Group of which I am one of the co-chairs. Furthermore, that work will now be going forward as an OECD Global Science Forum project and Allan has expressed an interest in being involved.
    With very best wishes,
    CODATA Webinar: Data Accessibility Self-Assessment Tool, 18 and 19 January 2016:
    Data Science Journal, Call for Papers: Advances in Data Modelling and Knowledge Representation for Research Data, deadline 31 March 2016:
    Applications are now invited for the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, hosted at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, 1-12 August 2016:
    For further news from the CODATA community, please consider joining the CODATA International list at
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE

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