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Minutes from IDW Assessment Call

  • Creator
  • #120851

    Yolanda Meleco

    Date: 10/12/16
    Attendess – Fran, Hilary, Yolanda, Bernard, Mustapha, Sara, Matt
    Regrets – Simon, Mark
    Fran –
    Turned out well and should do it again.
    Even though IDF went well, not sure it’s needed. It lengthens it.  Perhaps take best of it and incorporate it into other events.
    RDA’s Plenary may want to go first next time. 
    Fran loved working with the entire team.
    Sara –
    Switching order may be a good idea.
    Many comments about vendor inclusion; perhaps should reconsider making them more prominent
    Poster sessions need to have more quality time.
    Mustapha –
    Good summary from Mark.  Overall, a success and perceived as building on synergies.  Agree that IDF perceived some negativity, but there was positive feedback.  IDF was a half-baked solution to get 3 organizations to work together.  We tried to find a way to get us to work together, but wanted to keep full control of both conferences.  It worked, but if we do it again, get rid of IDF or go further into integration of meetings may solve who goes first, but not sure on reasoning.   We should do it again, so need to manage expectations.
    Hilary –
    RDA Plenary weeks are long anyway and order will make a difference.  This week was particularly long.   IDF required a lot of effort, but important to have nonetheless.  From European point of view, received feedback that their inclusion made a big difference via posters, panel discussions, presentations, etc.  Co-location gave them the opportunity for more exposure.  We should do this again.  To involve other organizations, concern about doing that unless there is a strategic reason.
    Bernard –
    Agrees with comments so far and Mark’s assessment.  Week was a homerun.  IDF was a good start and needs to be refined further for the next time…perhaps at the beginning or end of week.
    Moving Forward –
    From RDA side, need to consider timing.  For this group, next one would be in second half of 2018 (RDA’s 12th Plenary).  Per SDC and CODATA, preference to change region…perhaps in Europe or South America. FB thought may be an issue if not in US or Europe.  HH stated it was possible to do in Europe for P12 in late 2017.  FB mentioned timing of NIH request to support event of this type and need for a US event.  Most recently, we learned there was a vehicle for data related conferences support and were invited to submit a proposal.  Conceivably, we could do another IDW through this channel.  December is the submission deadline.  RDA/US is exploring opportunity.  After 2018, no funding to send participants to plenary.  How flexible is constraint that next IDW not be in US?  If that stays the tradition, will most likely stay as a RDA Plenary.  MM stated it would be difficult to immediately respond.  CODATA and WDS need to further discuss.
    HH suggested issue to call to host future IDW or expression of interest. Call would need to openly publicized to all organizations.  It would need to be a joint call. 
    HH mentioned Europe’s approach is that they put out a call to their own and other organizations who would be interested in hosting the event.  HH will distribute her guidelines.
    Next steps – more conversation needed.  Matt recommended making site selection asap. 
    MM will send out doodle poll for next meeting durign week of 11/7. 

  • Author
  • #132378

    Dear All,
    Thanks Yolanda.
    As agreed, we will meet gain to continue the discussion on future plans and
    final assessment of IDW 2016. Please complete this Doodle poll by 26
    October to decide on a date and time: *
    Note: I realise that Tuesday and Friday in the US and Friday in France are
    national holidays. Feel free to decline as appropriate. Also, since I will
    be in Paris, I have suggested additional later slots.
    Best wishes.

    *>>> WDS Members Forum 2016
    *>>> SciDataCon 2016 **<<<*
    *>>> International Data Week * *<<<*
    *Mustapha Mokrane*, PhD. | Executive Director
    World Data System-International Programme Office
    c/o NICT, 4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
    Tel: +81 4 2327 6004 Fax: +81 4 2327 6490 Mob:+81 90 5790 4732
    ***@***.*** |

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