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Meeting Minutes/Group site update

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  • #133538

    Mark Parsons

    Excellent, Yolanda. Thank you.
    I made some changes and a comment to the PC invitation. I think we need to be a bit clearer that they are primarily responsible for Wednesday.
    On Jan 19, 2016, at 10:49 AM, YMeleco wrote:
    Hi everyone. I just posted the following to the IDW group webpage:
    • Meeting minutes
    • Sponsorship tracking sheet and flyer (located on “Working Documents” wiki)
    • Contract documentation (located on “Contract Documentation” wiki)
    • Meeting link for next Tuesday’s call (
    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Yolanda Meleco
    Project Director
    Research Data Alliance/U.S.
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    (518) 276-4912

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  • #133535

    Dear Mark, Yolanda, All,
    Thanks Yolanda for updating and posting the documents on a webpage. To
    facilitate emailings, I’ve also linked a PDF version of the final
    Sponsorship Packages flyer (also attached to this email).
    Mark, I agree that the PC is responsible only for IDF, in particulat
    keynote speakers. However, we need to coordinate with SDC and RDA P8
    Programme Committees to make sure the whole week is consistent. Of course,
    you Simon and I can play this role, but we need to have also some members
    of the IDW PC on the SDC and RDA P8 PCs (for WDS Sandy and Bernard at least
    will play this role).
    Best wishes.

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