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Keynote Speakers – Next Steps

  • Creator
  • #121380

    Yolanda Meleco

    Hi all. Based on our last call, we agreed to wait for responses from Marcia McNutt and Edit Herzog regarding their keynote invitations. At this time, Marcia has declined and Edit is tentative pending travel support. We now need to determine the following:
    1 – Can RDA Europe provide travel support for Edit?
    2 – Should we extend an invitation to Alexa McCray or just extend Phil Bourne’s speaking time?
    Keep in mind, we also need to add in time for the Indigenous Welcome (10-15 minutes), so unless we start earlier than 9am, I believe we’re good on time with just Edit and Phil, but I do realize the benefits of a third keynote.
    Your feedback on next steps would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Author
  • #132609

    Phil and Alexa are both from the same community and Phil is a great speaker. I think giving him a longer slot would be great!
    Dr. Francine Berman
    Chair, Research Data Alliance / US
    Edward P. Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Computer Science
    Director, Center for a Digital Society
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    – Show quoted text -From: melecy=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of YMeleco
    Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 12:13 PM
    To: International Data Week including P8
    Subject: [idw] Keynote Speakers – Next Steps
    Hi all. Based on our last call, we agreed to wait for responses from Marcia McNutt and Edit Herzog regarding their keynote invitations. At this time, Marcia has declined and Edit is tentative pending travel support. We now need to determine the following:
    1 – Can RDA Europe provide travel support for Edit?
    2 – Should we extend an invitation to Alexa McCray or just extend Phil Bourne’s speaking time?
    Keep in mind, we also need to add in time for the Indigenous Welcome (10-15 minutes), so unless we start earlier than 9am, I believe we’re good on time with just Edit and Phil, but I do realize the benefits of a third keynote.
    Your feedback on next steps would be appreciated. Thanks.

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