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International Data Week Themes-v04-15-06-29_JBM+KSF’

  • Creator
  • #125470

    Hi –
    Here is message two.
    I think that we’re pretty much set with the overarching statement. I think we should separate discussion of the text of the SciDataCon session and the RDA session from the IDW description, for a couple of reasons. First, if we get the overarching concept agreed, each meeting can link to that. Second, SciDataCon’s discussions will be largely independent of RDA’s, as RDA isn’t even thinking about a theme until next spring, most likely. Finally, the concept note starts to move into planning of the SciDataCon meeting itself, which is fine, but which doesn’t really involve the entire group. If we can agree the concept note, we can each move forward with the specific meetings.
    Having said that, I have edited the most recent copy I have, which, I see, isn’t _the_ most recent copy. Simon just sent one.
    It should be easy to see (I hope) that what I did here was to try to help the flow of the statements, and lead into the objectives of IDW. I did this only to make it easier for the Sponsorship Committee to deal with. I think we’re down to word-smithing, so I get the sense that we are very close.
    At any rate, if we’re good with the statement up until the description of SciDataCon, then I think we should give the statement (whichever version) to the Sponsorship Committee and let them get started.
    As mentioned in the other email, I’ll be at the ESIP meeting all week, and will be checking email.


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