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[idw] International Data Forum

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  • #121428

    Dear Marcia:
    It has been a while since our phone conversation and since your response to Dawn Wright concerning the International Data Week and International Data Forum. I trust that your new job is as exciting as you expeted it to be. At the time you declined our invitation to give a keynote address at the IDF, pleading the steep learning curve of your new job.
    Over the pas few months, the organizing committee worked hard to make the program a varied and interesting one, that would catch the attention of international academic and government scientists, as well as the press and the public. The attached file reflects the current status of the program.
    As you can see, we have secured the participation of a wide variety of science leaders worldwide, including leaders whom you will easily recognize. We are especially pleased with the oversall scope, that addresses many of the data issues facing the science community.
    The number of registered participants is about 700 at this time, and we expect to easily exceed that number after administrative issues (e.g. visas for Chinese participants and such things) are resolved.
    After your keynote of July 12, on Data Citation, that received unanimous kudos (I am sorry I missed that workshop!!), several of us have been wondering whether we might convince you to come to Boulder for a day and give a keynote address on any data issues that you feel are worthy of international exposure and discussion. As a result I was asked to re-iterate our invitation. I realize that this is a bit more burdensome of your time than in the case of July 12, but hope your schedule is now clearer and that you can accept our renewed invitation. Naturally, the organizing committee would do the utmost to accommodate your constraints. (The program can still be adjusted.)
    I, for one, hope that you can do this. 🙂
    Best regards,
    Jean-Bernard Minster e-mail: ***@***.***
    Distinguished Professor of Geophysics Phone/Cell: (858) 945-0693
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    University of California San Diego, IGPP (0225)
    La Jolla, CA 92093-0225

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