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Gwen Phillips update

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  • #121518

    Lynn Yarmey

    Hi all,
    Gwen Phillips let me know this morning that she was just notified that a long-awaited surgical procedure had been rescheduled to mid-September and she will be unable to participate fully (she still hopes to join virtually). She sent me an introduction to a colleague of the Ktunaxa Nation she felt would be a quality replacement, I sent Dr. Christopher Horsethief a brief email to determine if he was available. I am attaching a few links to videos of his previous keynotes and his bio below. Please let me know if you have any concerns, otherwise I will send him an official invitation and work to make sure the logistics move forward quickly.
    Videos –
    · ‘Strengthening Our Relations 2013 Keynote’
    · ‘Visualizing structure and agency through social network analysis: A postcolonial case study’
    Bio –
    Excerpt – “Indigenous language revitalization through tech, systems analysis, complexity science and social physics… Christopher’s academic and professional research has spanned 20 years among the Columbia Basin tribes. In this time he has adapted social science research frameworks to meet the needs of tribal research. These include economics (econometric research and economic development), statistical analysis (census and survey design, data gathering, regression & ANOVA analysis), and social network analysis (data retrieval, interpretation, visualization, and computational modeling).”
    Lynn Yarmey
    Director of Community Development
    Research Data Alliance/US
    Have you registered for International Data Week?

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