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Fwd: [idw] Next meeting on International Data Week

  • Creator
  • #126362

    Mark Parsons

    Begin forwarded message:
    From: Walter Stewart
    Subject: RE: [idw] Next meeting on International Data Week
    Date: April 11, 2015 at 6:09:35 AM MDT
    To: ‘Mark Parsons’
    Mark, I am presuming that by replying all that I shall reach Simon and Mustapha. If not, Mark, please forward. The CANARIE senior staff are making the decision about whether to support International Data Week in Canada later in the day on Tuesday. They are aware of this call on Tuesday and awaiting my report.
    We are reasonably clear on what support we can count on from RDA in the mounting of plenary 8. Simon and Mustapha, can you be clear on what support – logistical, financial, etc. that we can count on from your organisations?
    Financially, after much discussion with Hilary and a consultant hired by Tourisme Montréal to assist us, we calculate that we need around $225K to make this work to keep registration fees reasonable. That means an average registration fee of about $400 Canadian. We calculate that on roughly an early bird rate for RDA of around $300 Canadian and a rate for Scidatacom around $500 Canadian with a rate for the two around $650.
    Anything we can turn up to reduce the $225K will help with the CANARIE decision. So if there is anything within co-Data or WDS, I should hear of it on Tuesday We have a reasonable guarantee of at least $50K from various granting agencies in Canada.
    More on Tuesday,
    WS Walter Stewart & Associates Inc.
    telephone-416-406-4334 facsimile-416-461-9877
    – Show quoted text -From: parsom3=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Mark Parsons
    Sent: April 10, 2015 4:25 PM
    To: ***@***.***; Walter Stewart
    Subject: Re: [idw] Next meeting on International Data Week
    OK folks, we’re on for Tuesday, 14 April 13:00 UTC. Call in info below.
    Agenda is to get the latest from Walter and decide on next steps. Other topics could include what to do on the Wednesday and how/whether to involve other organisations.
    1. Please join my meeting, Apr 14, 2015 at 7:00 AM MDT.
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    On Apr 2, 2015, at 2:48 PM, Parsons, Mark
    Hi All,
    Walter is available the week of 13 Apr to discuss where we are with Montreal and IDW. He says he won’t be able to give a definitive yes then. He will be able to say no if necessary but more likely should be able to give us a positive update and identify next steps. The final decision will occur when the CANARIE Board meets on 30 Apr.
    So I think we should go ahead and have a call. We can hear from Walter and decide on next steps. Key topics could include what to do on the Wednesday and how/whether to involve other organisations.
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