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Fwd: Congratulations!

  • Creator
  • #121260

    Mark Parsons

    It’s official. The Sloan sponsorship is approved.
    Begin forwarded message:
    From: David Michel
    Subject: Congratulations!
    Date: August 30, 2016 at 10:47:41 MDT
    To: “***@***.***”

    Cc: “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , Josh Greenberg
    Dear Mr. Parsons,
    Congratulations on the success of your grant proposal! I am delighted to confirm that your request for funds to partially sponsor the public activities of the 2016 International Data Week has been approved by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. We very much look forward to hearing more as this work progresses.
    For the record, the staff here agreed that the outcome metrics we plan to use in eventually evaluating the success of this grant will include:
    • Increase the awareness of data issues and the community working to address those issues
    • Demonstrate and increase or improve collaboration of major international data organizations
    • Improve the efficiency of international community engagement by consolidating events
    • Build a larger and more international, yet cohesive and interconnected, community of data professionals
    Please do keep records of progress towards meeting these and other goals; your substantive reports should summarize the findings and accomplishments of the grant particularly as relates to these metrics.
    Regarding financial reports, those should come from RPI’s office of sponsored research or equivalent department and should:
    * Be on official RPI letterhead
    * Include the Sloan grant number (which will be listed on the grant contract)
    * List budgeted to actual expenses
    * Denote the on-hand cash balance
    * Bear signature by the appropriate organization official
    If you are planning on doing any Public Relations, please be sure to loop in Nate Williams, our Communications Manager. His email address is ***@***.***.
    Expect the grant contract to be emailed shortly. Please note that, as your grant has already been officially approved, you are free to make expenditures against the grant; you need not wait for the contract or first payment.
    David Michel
    Program Assistant
    Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
    630 Fifth Avenue
    Suite 2200
    New York, NY 10111
    (212) 649-1659

  • Author
  • #132520

    Dr. Francine Berman
    Chair, Research Data Alliance / US
    Edward P. Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Computer Science
    Director, Center for a Digital Society
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    – Show quoted text -From: parsom3=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Mark Parsons
    Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:52 PM
    To: International Data Week including P8
    Subject: [idw] Fwd: Congratulations!
    It’s official. The Sloan sponsorship is approved.
    Begin forwarded message:
    From: David Michel
    Subject: Congratulations!
    Date: August 30, 2016 at 10:47:41 MDT
    To: “***@***.***

    Cc: “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , “***@***.***” , Josh Greenberg
    Dear Mr. Parsons,
    Congratulations on the success of your grant proposal! I am delighted to confirm that your request for funds to partially sponsor the public activities of the 2016 International Data Week has been approved by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. We very much look forward to hearing more as this work progresses.
    For the record, the staff here agreed that the outcome metrics we plan to use in eventually evaluating the success of this grant will include:
    * Increase the awareness of data issues and the community working to address those issues
    * Demonstrate and increase or improve collaboration of major international data organizations
    * Improve the efficiency of international community engagement by consolidating events
    * Build a larger and more international, yet cohesive and interconnected, community of data professionals
    Please do keep records of progress towards meeting these and other goals; your substantive reports should summarize the findings and accomplishments of the grant particularly as relates to these metrics.
    Regarding financial reports, those should come from RPI’s office of sponsored research or equivalent department and should:
    * Be on official RPI letterhead
    * Include the Sloan grant number (which will be listed on the grant contract)
    * List budgeted to actual expenses
    * Denote the on-hand cash balance
    * Bear signature by the appropriate organization official
    If you are planning on doing any Public Relations, please be sure to loop in Nate Williams, our Communications Manager. His email address is ***@***.***.
    Expect the grant contract to be emailed shortly. Please note that, as your grant has already been officially approved, you are free to make expenditures against the grant; you need not wait for the contract or first payment.
    David Michel
    Program Assistant
    Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
    630 Fifth Avenue
    Suite 2200
    New York, NY 10111
    (212) 649-1659

  • #132510

    Timea Biro

    Great news! Congratulations.
    I assume this should go on the promotional materials, IDW banner and
    sponsorship poster, perhaps the badge as well if not too late and
    depending on the sponsorship category … certainly on the website.
    Will get in touch with Lynn and Yolanda on it.

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