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event photography

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  • #121291

    Lynn Yarmey

    Hi all,
    I had been hoping to include a few more quotes for comparison purposes, but having not heard back yet on multiple fronts I thought it would be better to send what I currently have to expedite decision-making next week.
    I contacted 7 photographers and have 2 quotes thus far. Details are as follows:
    · University of Denver Division of Marketing and Communications
    o Talked with Wayne Armstrong, university photographer, re: getting student photography services. He said the school does offer free student photography but only for ‘DU-affiliated’ events, and even a DU ‘sponsorship’ would not qualify IDW for this. He offered us an alternative freelance bid of $2500 for three 8 hour days.
    o Portfolio –
    · Heidi Jesser-Howard (Matt’s contact) is a Boulder-based professional photographer
    o Heidi has been very responsive and sent me a quote for $1250/day (plus expenses) for herself and a lighting assistant to deliver digital files with a short video of images (I made sure these would be reproducible/sharable with attribution). Heidi is holding the dates for us until Tuesday.
    o Portfolio –
    · Denver School of Photography – no response
    · University of Colorado Denver College of Arts and Media – no response
    · Alan Decker (used at last RDA Plenary) – no response
    · Peter Gibbons – (old colleague of Mark and Lynn) – no longer able to do event shoots like IDW, recommended Daryl Love Jr. as an alternative
    · Daryl Love Jr. (recommendation from Peter) – asked me for more information last night and is preparing quote
    Reminder, this was in the context of considering Simon’s contact Andjani Gatzweiler ( )
    I have not gone outside of the local schools and personal recommendations at this point, nor have I followed up since doing the first round of contacts on Monday. Let me know if we need more options?
    Lynn Yarmey
    Director of Community Development
    Research Data Alliance/US
    Have you registered for International Data Week?

  • Author
  • #132539

    Thank you Lynn. On the whole. I fear that this is a bit disappointing. I am inclined to call the chair of the U. Denver school. (of course I cannot do that until Monday now). I cannot believe that they would deny their own students an opportunity to shine. This is simply ridiculous. I will have to tell the School dean that it is asinine that an international meeting in their backyard has to import a professional from Europe… I may even send an email to the University president. DO I SOUND PO-ed? 😉 Bernard

  • #132538

    Lynn Yarmey

    Hi Bernard and all,
    I indeed haven’t gone up the chain or started nagging yet. The University of Colorado just started this week so they may just be behind? Figured I would check in with this group before taking next steps. I am happy to pursue this if you like?
    Sent from my iPhone

  • #132537

    Just so we don’t get our wires crossed….let’s connect on Monday morning at a time convenient for you, and agree on strategy and message. 😉 Bernard

  • #132514

    Simon Hodson

    Hi all,
    Just as a reminder we have proposed a very good photographer. The cost would be very competitive compared to these quotes: (flight 1500; 6 nights hotel 1200). She would work for free but I would prefer to offer an honorarium.
    She has the distinct advantages of being a known quantity; being available and being very good.
    In addition to the photos of the recent school in Trieste she has also done a very good video which we are currently editing (not yet available).
    The other distinct advantage is that we would get this sorted and assured with no further expense of the most precious commodity of all: time. And we can all be assured of a decent set of photos as a record of a major event and for use in future dissemination.
    Best wishes,
    Less than TWO weeks to go to INTERNATIONAL DATA WEEK and SciDataCon 2016
    CODATA 2016 General Assembly and Elections
    #datatrieste, the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School: programme and photos
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE

  • #132513

    I called, and got a couple of names. I indicated my sense of offense concerning the import of a German photographer to a US-hosted meeting. I got a sympathetic ear. But I need to call a couple of other people. B.
    Ingrid weyheir 303-871-2181
    Bridgett Aiend 303-8717885
    It is too late to call tonight… will try tomorrow. B.

  • #132511

    Mark Parsons

    I’m not going to get too wrapped up in this, but Simon’s photographer is obviously good, available, and reasonably priced. I think the concerns around optics of not using a local photographer are reasonable but overstated. Unless some high-quality local falls in our lap in the next 48 hours, I think we should just go with Simon’s gal and be done with it.
    On Aug 30, 2016, at 15:37, Simon Hodson wrote:
    Hi all,
    Just as a reminder we have proposed a very good photographer. The cost would be very competitive compared to these quotes: (flight 1500; 6 nights hotel 1200). She would work for free but I would prefer to offer an honorarium.
    She has the distinct advantages of being a known quantity; being available and being very good.
    In addition to the photos of the recent school in Trieste she has also done a very good video which we are currently editing (not yet available).
    The other distinct advantage is that we would get this sorted and assured with no further expense of the most precious commodity of all: time. And we can all be assured of a decent set of photos as a record of a major event and for use in future dissemination.
    Best wishes,
    Less than TWO weeks to go to INTERNATIONAL DATA WEEK and SciDataCon 2016
    CODATA 2016 General Assembly and Elections
    #datatrieste, the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School: programme and photos
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE
    On 27 Aug 2016, at 20:51, jbminster wrote:
    Just so we don’t get our wires crossed….let’s connect on Monday morning at a time convenient for you, and agree on strategy and message. 😉 Bernard
    On Aug 26, 2016, at 17:32, Lynn wrote:
    Hi Bernard and all,
    I indeed haven’t gone up the chain or started nagging yet. The University of Colorado just started this week so they may just be behind? Figured I would check in with this group before taking next steps. I am happy to pursue this if you like?
    Sent from my iPhone
    On Aug 26, 2016, at 5:44 PM, Jean-Bernard Minster wrote:
    Thank you Lynn. On the whole. I fear that this is a bit disappointing. I am inclined to call the chair of the U. Denver school. (of course I cannot do that until Monday now). I cannot believe that they would deny their own students an opportunity to shine. This is simply ridiculous. I will have to tell the School dean that it is asinine that an international meeting in their backyard has to import a professional from Europe… I may even send an email to the University president. DO I SOUND PO-ed? 😉 Bernard
    On Aug 26, 2016, at 16:03, yarmey wrote:
    Hi all,
    I had been hoping to include a few more quo! tes for comparison purposes, but having not heard back yet on multiple fronts I thought it would be better to send what I currently have to expedite decision-making next week.
    I contacted 7 photographers and have 2 quotes thus far. Details are as follows:
    • University of Denver Division of Marketing and Communications
    o Talked with Wayne Armstrong, university photographer, re: getting student photography services. He said the sch! ool does offer free student photography but only for ‘DU-affiliated’ events, and even a DU ‘sponsorship’ would not qualify IDW for this. He offered us an alternative freelance bid of $2500 for three 8 hour days.
    o Portfolio –
    • Heidi Jesser-Howard (Matt’s contact) is a Boulder-based professional photographer
    o Heidi has been very responsive and sent me a quote for $1250/day (plus expenses) for herself and a lighting assistant to deliver digital files with a short video of images (I made sure these would be reproducible/sharable with attribution). Heidi is holding the dates for us until Tuesday.
    o Portfolio –
    • Denver School of Photography – no response
    • University of Colorado Denver College of Arts and Media – no response
    • Alan Decker (used at last RDA Plenary) – no response
    • Peter Gibbons – (old colleague of Mark and Lynn) – no longer able to do event shoots like IDW, recommended Daryl Love Jr. as an alternative
    • Daryl Love Jr. (recommendation from Peter) – asked me for more information last night and is preparing quote
    Reminder, this was in the context of considering Simon’s contact Andjani Gatzweiler ( )
    I have not gone outside of the local schools and personal recommendations at this point, nor have I followed up since doing the first round of contacts on Monday. Let me know if we need more options?
    Lynn Yarmey
    Director of Community Development
    Research Data Alliance/US
    Have you registered for International Data Week?

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  • #132508

    I called both numbers and left messages. I said we have a tight time table and wanted to resolve the issue by tomorrow. Bernard
    I called, and got a couple of names. I indicated my sense of offense concerning the import of a German photographer to a US-hosted meeting. I got a sympathetic ear. But I need to call a couple of other people. B.
    Ingrid weyheir 303-871-2181
    Bridgett Aiend 303-8717885
    It is too late to call tonight… will try tomorrow. B.

  • #132506

    Simon Hodson

    I have heard nothing further on this. Are we now in a situation where I should make arrangements with Andjani?
    Less than TWO weeks to go to INTERNATIONAL DATA WEEK and SciDataCon 2016
    CODATA 2016 General Assembly and Elections
    #datatrieste, the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School: programme and photos
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE

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