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Global Partnership on AI – Ministerial Declaration New Delhi 2023

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  • #96897

    Suchith Anand

    Dear colleagues,
    The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence Summit was held in New Delhi from 12-14 December 2023. Twenty-nine international partners, including the USA, the European Union, Japan and India joined together to promote the responsible development and usage of AI. This also builds upon the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration in 2023.
    India is the lead chair of the Global Partnership on AI for 2024. The Summit also marked a key moment for the 29 GPAI Members to meet and chart an ambitious course for the year ahead. They reaffirmed their commitment to promote responsible and trustworthy AI through GPAI, and their dedication to implementing those values through the development of regulations, policies, standards and other initiatives within their jurisdictions. 
    At the Global Partnership on AI Summit in New Delhi, GPAI Ministers signed the Ministerial Declaration. 
    Read the Ministerial Declaration at
    Best wishes
    Dr Suchith Anand
    Senior Adviser to Governments and International Organisations | Scientist | AI Ethics | AI Governance | Policy | Consultant in Data and AI Ethics | Global Citizen | SDG Volunteer and Advocate

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