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Reminder of actions – Regular WG meeting, Wednesday 12 June

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  • #142303

    Athina Papadopoulou

    Dear WG members,

    We would like to kindly remind you of the pending actions from our first regular WG meeting last week and the upcoming deadlines for your contributions and feedback.

    ACTION: @all WG members, please vote to determine a shorter/informal version for the WG to facilitate communication. You can access the poll here. Feel free to suggest any alternatives not already listed. Please submit your suggestions by next Wednesday 26 June 2024.

    ACTION: @all WG members, please make sure to read and provide any feedback you might have for the WG’s P23 proposal. You can find the link to the working document here. The deadline for you to submit your feedback is set for Wednesday 26 June 2024 so that we can have enough time to address all comments.

    ACTION: @all WG members, please help enrich our existing resources document that will serve as the basis for our work in the coming months. We would like to kindly ask you to provide your feedback and suggestions by the first week of July (Deadline: July 8th)

    As a reminder you can find a summary of the discussion and notes here, all WG-relevant resources and a regular calendar invite are included at the top of this document. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10th July, 11:00am – 12:00pm UTC.

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

    With kind regards,
    Athina Papadopoulou

    Science Officer, Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL

    (On behalf of the co-chairs Gerhard Goldbeck, Zachary Trautt, Iseult Lynch, Leah McEwen, Masashi Ishii, Kwang-Ryeol Lee)

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