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Regular WG meetings scheduling – Vote now

  • Creator
  • #141621

    Athina Papadopoulou

    Dear all,

    We are excited to announce that the Harmonised Terminologies and Schemas for FAIR Data in Materials Science and Related Domains Working Group will begin regular monthly meetings starting in June 2024. The WG will meet monthly during the second week of each month.

    To select a regular day and time that suits everyone, please indicate your preferences in this Doodle poll: Note that the selected date and time will apply to all future WG meetings, not just June 2024.

    We look forward to your participation and seeing you at our first meeting.

    Best wishes,

    Athina Papadopoulou

    Science Officer

    Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL

    Twitter: @athinacp

    Time Zone: EEST/UTC+3

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