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Invitation – WorldFAIR webinar – Practical Approaches to FAIR Data Integration

  • Creator
  • #142313

    Athina Papadopoulou

    Dear all,

    We warmly invite you to attend the upcoming ‘<b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–wp–preset–color–dark);”>Practical Approaches to FAIR Data Integration: SPSS/Stata – to – CDIF Tool Demonstration: A WorldFAIR Webinarpresenting the <b data-kubio=”kubio/page-title”>Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF), describing the role of core data description in CDIF, and demonstrating a tool developed as part of the Social Surveys Case Study for providing detailed metadata accoridng to the CDIF profiles. This tool transforms SPSS and Stata files into the required formats for cross-domain data-sharing, using the DDI-CDI standard.

    The webinar will take place next Thursday 27 June, 15:00-16:30 CEST / 13:00-14:30 UTC.

    More details on the agenda and programme can be found here.

    Register to attend here.

    Best wishes,

    Athina Papadopoulou

    Science Officer

    Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL

    Twitter: @athinacp

    Time Zone: EEST/UTC+3

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