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European Commission – data management guidelines for COVID-19 related research and data

  • Creator
  • #104755

    Dear RDA FAIRsharing WG members,
    On 8 April 2020, the *European Commission* released a set of *guidelines
    for open access to publications, data and other research outputs* for
    Horizon 2020 projects working on the 2019 coronavirus disease
    (COVID-19), the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
    (SARS-CoV-2), and related topics.
    These guidelines have been made available on the RDA COVID19 File
    repository at
    and include two references to the *FAIRsharing **COVID19 Collection* of
    *databases* (repositories, knowledgebases) and *standards* (checklists,
    minimal reporting requirements, terminologies, models, formats)
    Thank you to many of you that have and continue to contribute to this
    Kind regards,

    Prof. Susanna-Assunta Sansone, PhD
    Associate Director, Oxford e-Research Centre
    Associate Professor, Dep of Engineering Science
    University of Oxford, UK
    Data Readiness Group:
    ORCiD: 0000-0001-5306-5690
    skype: susanna-a.sansone
    twitter: @SusannaASansone

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