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Re: [rda-wg-ig-chairs] Re: [rda-wg-ig-chairs][rda-datafabric-ig] DFIG: White Paper…

  • Creator
  • #126558

    Arthur Smith

    Thanks for the link to FAIRport, I wasn’t aware of that at all. I do
    notice Peter Wittenburg is named (along with a few others) on their home
    page 🙂
    From the FAIR data principles I see the “(meta) Data” statements as
    somewhat along the lines of my suggestion, but both are probably vague
    enough that it’s hard to tell if they’re talking about the same thing or
    not. I did find Mark’s presentation here:
    describing FAIR Profiles in some detail; this seems to be tackling a
    different problem of coming to a common way to describe different kinds
    of metadata to support inter-repository querying.

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