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Re: [rda-datafabric-ig] Registries of services

  • Creator
  • #127642

    I guess the response to Larry’s original concern on trust and Keith’s
    follow up critique of the Re3data metadata attributes is that this is as
    well as we have done now with some open response items like documenting
    There may be several areas of DF where there is practice that may be judged
    “best currently ” but not as good as we would like.
    In that case outlining the issues and deficiencies and pointing to an
    improvement path may be a valuable service for the IG.
    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
    SOCoP Executive Secretary
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD
    On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Francoise Genova wrote:

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