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Re: [rda-datafabric-ig] A Data Fabric Position Paper to Broaden Discussion (Berg…

  • Creator
  • #126368

    Hi Keith,
    Exactly, I do not think that the end-user (or most users) would know
    where to get the exact services/data they want unless they are following
    a citation of data or come via some catalogue system.*
    I would even go as far as to say that the typical scientist doesn’t
    particularly care which repository is used as long as it is clear that
    it is trustworthy.
    I am (still) assuming that the DF group is aiming towards a loosely
    coupled, flexible, system for lifecycles.
    With interoperability being provided automatically for as far as
    normally possible.
    (It is easy to see how it would be technically possible to do this
    seamlessly, but in practise, considering the large amount of
    (non-)standards out there, it isn’t very feasible. Perhaps DTR-type and
    MD-registry type efforts will reduce this gap in time).
    *) I admit it is a bit odd saying “they don’t know unless they do”, but
    oh well.

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