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new paper including components

  • Creator
  • #126230

    Dear Data Fabric colleagues,
    a group of people engaged in RDA got together and wrote a paper during the last weeks that describes trends in data management, refers to the data principles such as established by the G8 ministers and based on these discusses consequences and components that are seen as important. The components part is widely based on Use Cases descriptions presented to RDA Data Fabric IG and on the authors’ expertise. We uploaded this document to the DFIG wiki to open discussions on it. We will also upload all use cases today which we received so far and continue to motivate people to come up with additional Use Case descriptions.
    This paper is NOT meant as a FINAL statement, but much more intended to motivate broad discussions about what needs to be done next. We chose to present lists of points without setting priorities knowing that there will be debates about those being mentioned and that there will be gaps. This document will be presented in various meetings with different stakeholders with the aim to get comments. Its embedding in the DFIG wiki will guarantee that the discussion process will be kept within RDA which we find as being important. It might be necessary in a few months to come up with a new snapshot document that summarizes the state of agreement and disagreement. Of course credits must be given to all who take the time to comment and contribute.
    You can find the document under this URL where also the discussion should take place:
    In case you want to cite the document I uploaded it to a permanent store and it got a Handle:
    Apologies for this period of silence which was due to meetings and the preparation of a couple of documents.


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