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DFIG: White Paper new version & use cases

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  • #126784

    Dear DFIG colleagues, dear WG/IG chairs,
    We were working hard to receive use cases and to analyse them. We received now 10 use cases but have 5 more in discussion. At the coming P5 we will present/analyse them and hopefully come to deep discussions about components and services. Every new Use Case sent to DFIG will help moving forward our discussions and are thus very much welcome. Yet we did not put these Use Cases on the Wiki since several want to make changes and adaptations to them after the plenary.
    Attached is also the new version of the White Paper which we adapted according to the statements made earlier, so that comments from various people (Ulrich, Gary, Keith, etc.) are integrated. We will address this also in our sessions.
    Just to re-iterate on the sessions which we have been pushing ahead:
    – Monday 10.15 Data Fabric Plenary Session meant to present DFIG and have an open Q&A session
    – Tuesday 16.00 Data Fabric IG Core session meant to deeply discuss DFIG matters in particular Use Cases and components/services
    – Wednesday 11.00 BoF on Repository Registries meant to discuss one such component/service
    See many of you hopefully in San Diego. If not nevertheless provide Use Cases so that we have an excellent grounding on the work we are doing.
    Peter, Rob, Zhu
    Peter Wittenburg Tel: +49 2821 49180 ***@***.***
    Senior Advisor Data Systems
    Computer Center Garching
    Boltzmannstraße 2
    85748 Garching
    former affiliation:
    Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
    Wundtlaan 1
    6525 XD Nijmegen
    The Netherlands


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