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DFIG Update

  • Creator
  • #127178

    Dear all,
    After having had our first chairs meeting in the New Year we would like to update you all on a couple of issues.
    1. We created a document answering on all the interactions via the forum and summarizing how we believe we should change the White Paper towards a new version. We will also set this document on the wiki. Please have a look, we will adapt the White Paper accordingly during the coming 2 weeks.
    2. We want to move ahead with the Use Cases to have a first set of UC descriptions and thus to allow us some analysis and preparations for the P5 sessions. So please make some use case descriptions and use the template which we attached. Also this template will be put on the wiki. Please participate in the use case descriptions and create some until 28.2. They can be submitted via the wiki
    3. At the plenary we will have two DFIG sessions and one related session:
    a. The core DFIG session will be used to bring DFIG work ahead. One core part will be to analyse Use Case descriptions and identify components/services.
    b. For the plenary session we expect quite a number of people in the audience. Here our task will be mainly to inform the RDA community what DFIG is about, which results we are expecting, motivate people to come up with Use Case descriptions etc.
    c. At the last day we have a BoF session on (machine/human readable) repository registries since this will be one of the most important components of a Data Fabric landscape. At this moment we have identified the following approaches: web-lists, re3data registry, GocDB spec, EUDAT GocDB usage and CNRI registry approaches. If you know about more such registries please let us know. The BoF is meant to present the different approaches and their intentions and to come to conclusions.
    4. We would like to take the chance to also inform you about the session “Large Scale Infrastructures meet RDA” which will take place at the adoption day. A call for Presentations will be up on the web-site soon. A draft of the description is attached. Those who would like to present something will have to submit an abstract.
    We should inform you also about the great interest in DFIG in Germany for example. Since it is obvious that not everyone interested can come to the plenaries we will have a German workshop on DF amongst others. We will have the task to synch all activities careful. Perhaps this is a model others should apply as well.
    Here are a few URLs:
    DFIG Wiki:
    DFIG Use Cases:… (to put use case descriptions)
    weblist example:
    best regards
    Rob, Zhu & Peter
    Peter Wittenburg Tel: +49 2821 49180 ***@***.***
    RDA Europe Exec. Director
    RDA TAB Member
    EUDAT Scientific Coordinator
    Senior Advisor Data Systems
    Computer Center Garching
    Boltzmannstraße 2
    85748 Garching
    former affiliation:
    Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
    Wundtlaan 1
    6525 XD Nijmegen
    The Netherlands




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