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Re: [gorc-ig][gorc_model] Call for writing group participation

  • Creator
  • #97684

    Dear Karen,
    I would be happy to contribute.
    Kind regards,

    Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström
    NBIS – National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
    Uppsala University,
    On 13 Jul 2023, at 00:16, ITO-Director via Global Open Research Commons IG wrote:
    Hello all,
    Its’ been a great few months of transition but I miss you all terribly! As we discussed last spring, I’m writing this note to make a call out to see who is interested in creating a small writing group tasked with creating a report that supports the GORC Model. Our time frame would be short – we would need to have a version ready to go out for comment in September. If you have any interest, please let me know by responding to this or sending me an email directly (***@***.***) and I’ll set up a zoom call where we can discuss:
    1. The scope and purpose of the document
    2. The timeframe
    3. The existing resources we have to shape and cull
    4. The plan of action
    I think this is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in creating a very readable document that explains and makes accessible the current spreadsheet that everyone has worked so hard on.
    Warm regards,

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