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P22 summary and GORC IM WG June meeting

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  • #141771

    CJ Woodford

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you to everyone who attended our RDA 22nd plenary sessions in May! We heard from our model adopters and discussed what new avenues we want to work on. I encourage everyone to check out our P22 collaborative notes (even if just for the summary at the top!) as well the as the recordings I’ve put in our WG rolling notes.

    It’s clear that there’s a lot of work to do, and there will be a new GORC working group to tackle next steps: the GORC International Implementation WG (GORC II WG). We will roll the GORC IM WG into this new WG, and so the GORC IM WG will not technically go into maintenance mode.

    Before we officially embark on the GORC II WG, we would like to convene a couple more meetings for the GORC IM WG to work on a light-weight model revision and resubmission of our model as a recommendation to RDA. With that, we’ll be able to say the GORC IM WG has fully accomplished it’s deliverables. We’ll discuss our proposed approach and workplan for these last tasks at our upcoming WG meeting on 27th June at 13:00 UTC. I’ll send a reminder for this meeting as well, but now is a good time to mark your calendars!

    As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.



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