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GORC-WG 29 June 2023 Meeting Recap

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  • #97752

    CJ Woodford

    Hello everyone,
    Thank you to those that attended the meeting earlier today. We heard from Dr. Jianhui Li on behalf of  the China Science and Technology Cloud (CSTCloud), and learned about thier many service offerings and growing international partnership projects. All of the updates and discussion points can be found in the rolling notes, and the meeting recording is also available for viewing.
    At our next meeting on 27 July 2023, we will hear from the African Open Science Platform (AOSP).
    Between now and mid-July, task groups (TGs) will continue their phase 2 evalation.  We are aiming to release V0.6 of our model around 20 July, and will then start an intensive review process. If you have any questions or concerns about the timeline or would like to join the review starting in July, please contact me at by 15 July.

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