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Global open research commons: model adoption and next steps

  • Creator
  • #133899

    CJ Woodford

    Welcome and icebreakers (5 min)

    Introduction to meeting and previous work (5 mins) 

    Take away messages from P21

    Presentation of GORC-IG, WG supporting outputs (10 min)

    Open discussion on definitions, interpretations, and model

    Presentation of GORC model adopters (50 min)

    Lightning talks from adopters (20 min)

    Panel discussion with adopters (15 min)

    Discussion on adoption approaches for future adopters (15 min)

    Discussion on what comes next for RDA GORC (15 min)

    Update and workflow for commons integration roadmap (5 min)

    Discussion on new WGs and continuing work (10 min)

    Next steps and conclusions (5 min)

    1. First group option
    Global Open Research Commons IG

    Additional links to informative material
    Key background reading
    The WG’s outputs have been endorsed by RDA in October 2023 and are available online: model (V1.0), report (V1.0).
    The most recent WG session was held at P21 during IDW2023 in Salzburg (hybrid), which was a combined session with the IG. October 2023; P21 slides, notes, recording, and post-session group notes are available online.
    Further reading
    A  WG session was held at P20 Gothenburg (hybrid) along with a co-located workshop. March 21 and 24 2023 respectively; P20 slides, notes, and recording as well as the workshop slides, notes, and partial recording are available online.
    A WG session was held at P19 Seoul/Virtual. June 21 and 23 2022; Slides, notes, and session recordings (main recording, repeat recording) are available online.
    A WG session was held at P18 (Virtual).  November 3rd and 4th 2021; Slides, notes (main, repeat) and session recordings (main recording, repeat recording) are available online
    A WG session was held at P17 in Edinburgh/Virtual. Slides and notes (main, repeat) are available online.
    A Benchmarking BoF session was held at P16 in Costa Rica. Slides and notes are available online.
    The Data Together leadership (representing RDA, CODATA, GOFAIR and WDS) have convened a series of meetings to discuss how to effectively coordinate their GORC initiatives. At the CODATA 2019 ‘Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms’ conference in Beijing in September 2019, a session was held on Coordinating Global Open Science Commons Initiatives. A follow up introduction event was held in June 2021. Representatives from the WG also organized and participated in the SCIDATACON 2021 Session: Update from the Global Commons on October 21st, 2021.  In all cases a number of presentations were given and further discussion was focused on understanding possible areas for consensus building and collaboration, surveying initiatives that aim to coordinate Open Science activities and reduce ’siloing’, refining the initial typology and framework and examining the potential for further coordination and interoperability. In addition, WG chairs are also participating in OSCER, the Open Science Commons Executive Roundtable.
    Suggested literature for the Groups also includes:

    Principles for Open Scholarly infrastructures

    Elinor Ostrom’s Principles for Managing A Commons

    The International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) 

    Applicable Pathways
    Data Infrastructures – Organisational to Environments

    Are you willing to host a second, repeat session in a different time zone?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (2)
    Life Science Data Infrastructures IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The Global Open Research Commons IG will coordinate global activity on the development of Open Science platforms such as the EOSC, AOSP and ARDC. The Interest Group holds the overall mission and defines key activities for development through working groups, the first of which is focusing on the features/attributes of ORCs, and documenting a subset of international clouds/commons. It will also socialise the community to the concept, definition and value of Research Commons. 
    The GORC International Model WG works under the umbrella of the  Global Open Research Commons (GORC) IG. Both entities are working towards a roadmap for the integration of research services in pursuit of cross-country and cross-discipline global open research commons. The WG’s goal was to evaluate and recommend a model for functions/attributes for global research commons that allows researchers and developers to coordinate services and create roadmaps for international interoperability. In addition, when possible, the group captured KPIs or metrics that can be used to track engagement or success of services provided by Commons. In pursuit of this goal the WG  instituted a speaker series where representatives of Commons from around the world share the current state and vision of their initiatives with the WG. The WG has been developing a narrative document containing descriptions of functions and attributes of different commons  in parallel with the speaker series and released draft versions of commons attribute models. Task Groups were formed to focus on specific areas of the model. Both the model and a report with information from the narrative document were endorsed by RDA in October, 2023.
    The GORC-WG has since been working on making parts of the model machine-actionable and facilitating adoption of the model, including investigating and developing adoption tools and approaches.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    CJ Woodford

    I declare that I have informed the chairs of all the Working / Interest groups included in this joint meeting application.

    Meeting objectives
    The Global Open Research Commons Interest Group (GORC IG) is working on a set of deliverables to support coordination amongst national, pan-national and domain specific organizations as they work to build the interoperable resources necessary to enable researchers to address societal grand challenges. The realized vision of GORC will provide frictionless access to all research artifacts including, but not limited to: data, publications, software and compute resources; and will rely on metadata, vocabulary, and identification services being available to everyone everywhere, at all times. The GORC IG is working to develop a roadmap for global alignment to help set priorities for Commons development and integration. In support of this, the GORC IG has developed the GORC IG typology of commons essential elements supporting output.
    The GORC International Model WG works under the umbrella of the GORC IG. The WG’s goal was to evaluate and recommend a model for attributes for global research commons that allows researchers and developers to coordinate services and create roadmaps for international interoperability. In pursuit of this goal the WG instituted a speaker series where representatives of Commons from around the world share the current state and vision of their initiatives with the WG and Task Groups were formed to focus on specific areas of the model, which is framed and structured according to the GORC IG typology of commons essential elements. The GORC International Model (V1.0) and accompanying report were endorsed by RDA in October, 2023.
    The main objective of the GORC WG since RDA21 has been to support and facilitate adoption of the model, in an effort to test it as well as to prepare for the model to be resubmitted as an RDA recommendation. The critical next decisions for the GORC IG and WG will be to determine what proposed projects to tackle and in what format.
    The objective of this meeting will be:

    Showcase the supporting outputs of the GORC-IG, GORC-WG

    Present and discuss adoption cases of the GORC Commons model

    Discuss the next steps for the GORC-IG and GORC WG

    Please indicate a minimum of (3) three breakout slot (s) that would suit your repeat session in a different time zone.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 3, Breakout 6

    Privacy Policy

    Target Audience
    Working group and interest group members: Research funders, infrastructure providers and data services active in delivering Research / Data Commons initiatives

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