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29 June, 2023 GORC-WG meeting – China Science and Technology Cloud (CST)

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  • #97771

    CJ Woodford

    Hello all,
    At our meeting this Thursday, 29 June, 2023 at 13:00 UTC, we will be hearing from Dr. Jianhui Li, Director of the China Science and Technology Cloud (CST). You can join the call here:
    Additionally, the phase 2 evaluation of our commons model is underway and we are aiming to release a Version 0.6 of the model in mid-July. We will conduct a review process to further refine the model in late July and August, and encourage anyone interested in participating who is not already part of a task group to contact me at by July 15th. Please note that this will be the last opportunity to contribute to the model before the RDA-wide request for comment in September.

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