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Clone of FAIR for VREs – The Path Forward

  • Creator
  • #134055

    Stefanie Kethers





    Welcome and introductions



    Relevant previous work: Case study – results of assessment of FAIRness of a particular gateway using
    the PresQT tools and ARDC FAIR data assessment tool.



    The importance of applying FAIR to VREs and the need for this WG



    The proposed timeline and outline scope of work 



    Group activity to refine deliverables and approach 



    Identify next steps for WG and how to get involved



    Meeting end


    Additional links to informative material
    Link to relevant projects we are involved in. Links from text above. 

    Virtual Research Environments IG

    FAIR principles for Research Software (draft)

    FAIR for Research Software Working Group

    M2.10 Report on basic framework on FAIRness of services

    Science Gateways Community Institute, US

    Australian Research Data Commons  

    European Open Science Cloud 

    Applicable Pathways
    The FAIR Agenda, Data Infrastructures – Organisational to Environments

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Virtual Research Environment IG (VRE-IG)

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Sandra Gesing

    Meeting objectives
    This is the first meeting of the FAIR for Virtual Research Environments (FAIR4VREs) WG, which is under the umbrella of the Virtual Research Environments IG. 
    Virtual research environments (VREs), also called science gateways, research platforms or virtual labs, are increasingly used as the vehicle for collecting or generating digital objects, processing, analysing, annotating and visualising these, then sharing the research outputs. VREs are a broad category of digital research infrastructure that consist of a set of online services, often with associated integration and/or orchestration functions and connections to specific data, software, workflow, storage and compute resources. One of the main drivers for creating VREs is to lower or remove the barrier for researchers in accessing datasets, performing complex analyses, and sharing their workflows to encourage reproducibility. 
    How infrastructure such as a VRE is developed, and the functions it supports, therefore have a large impact on the FAIRness of digital objects themselves. VREs should enable FAIRness in the digital objects that they create or produce, and at the very least should not make digital objects that they process less FAIR.  
    VREs themselves should also be FAIR, in that they should be easily discoverable and accessible; should interoperate with other digital research infrastructures; and their technical architecture, components and services should be reusable to improve development efficiency. 
    While some of the high-level FAIR principles as applied to data can be directly applied to VREs, others are not applicable. Likewise, the recently developed FAIR principles for Research Software also do not cover all of the aspects of VREs. The application of the FAIR principles is now also being considered for other areas, including workflows, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and skills and training. As the working group explores the FAIR ecosystem with respect to VREs, the WG will provide another connecting piece in the FAIR toolkit between principles and implementation as they apply to VREs.
    The FAIR4VREs WG will enable coordination between existing communities working with VREs, science gateways, platforms and virtual labs, to define what it means for VREs to be and enable FAIR, and provide guidance to VRE developers in achieving this. This WG will encompass activities that are underway through the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI, US), the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC, AU), and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC, EU). All three of these organisations are working through the implications of how to apply the FAIR principles to a range of digital objects.  
    The WG case statement was submitted to RDA in August 2021.
    The objectives of this meeting will be:

    Explain the importance of applying FAIR to VREs

    Review the timeline of proposed work packages

    Determine next steps for outreach and recruitment of members

    Outline plan for identifying gaps in existing FAIR work in relation to VREs, and collecting case studies of FAIR and FAIR-enabling VREs


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