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Progress on FAIR 4 Research Software WG

  • Creator
  • #134210

    Collaborative Notes Link:
    This meeting will provide an update on work towards the first milestone in the FAIR4RS WG case statement. M1: “identifying challenges in defining FAIR for research software”.This will lay the groundwork for the second milestone. M2: a “Document developed with community support defining FAIR principles for research software”.

    Introduction and WG proposal (5 minutes)

    WG Progress updates, subgroup leads (20 minutes)

    Break-out groups to discuss activities (45 Minutes)

    Report back and recommendations (20 Minutes)

    The Group meeting is informative and will encourage community feedback. This session will include progress updates on each of the deliverables of the four FAIR4RS subgroups.

    A fresh look at FAIR for Research Software examines the FAIR principles in the context of research software from scratch, not based on pre-existing work. Lead: Daniel S. Katz

    FAIR work in other contexts examines efforts to apply FAIR principles to different forms including workflows, notebooks and training material, to provide insights for the definition and implementation of FAIR principles for research software. Lead: Mateusz Kuzak

    Definition of research software reviews existing definitions of research software and will specify the scope for the WG outputs. Lead: Morane Gruenpeter

    Review of new research related to FAIR Software reviews new research around FAIR software that has come out since the release of the Towards FAIR principles for research software paper in August 2019. Lead: Neil Chue Hong

    Additional links to informative material

    Community invitation to learn about subgroups and join them

    Community Engagement and Outreach activities of the FAIR4RS WG

    FAIR4RS zotero group 

    FAIR 4 Research Software – Reading materials


    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Software Source Code IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Paula Andrea Martinez

    Meeting objectives
    At the beginning of July 2020, the FAIR for research software (FAIR4RS) WG started coordinating efforts to leverage community-led discussions on how to define and effectively apply FAIR principles to research software. This initiative has been divided in four subgroups with specific deliverables. We had about 50 participants who expressed interest in contributing to one or more of these subgroups. During the Virtual Plenary 16, the steering committee and the collaborators would like to inform the broader community about the work done in the last semester. After the progress updates we invite people to discuss and provide feedback to the recent activities. 

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 6, Breakout 7, Breakout 8

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