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FAIR4RS WG webinar recordings and links

  • Creator
  • #103780

    Michelle Barker

    The following materials are now available from the FAIR4RS WG webinars on 29/30 June:

    Recording of session 1, chaired by Daniel S. Katz.

    Recording of session 2, chaired by Fotis Psomopolous (a repeat of session 1)

    Webinar slides

    Webinar collaborative notes

    You can still sign up to join the subgroups until July 6th, or you can join the 100+ members of the FAIR4RS WG to recieve email updates. We will be working on subgroup outputs during July-September, and there will be additional opportunities to participate over the next 18 months.
    The work on the subgroups will start next week, if you have registered then you will receive an email from the subgroup lead with further information.
    We’re also interested in suggestions of any activity/conference/workshop where this initiative could/should be presented. Please add any ideas to our spreadsheet, or indicate your  interest in putting together a submission for an event already listed.

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