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[Extend community review] SCID WG’s output: use cases and identifiers schemes for persistent software source code identification

  • Creator
  • #103332

    Morane Gruenpeter

    Dear RDA community,
    The joint RDA and FORCE11 Software Source Code Identification WG has produced the conclusive output: use cases and identifiers schemes for persistent software source code identification.
    We have extended the community review period till the 4th of September, giving more time to interested RDA members to review and give feedback on this first output about software.
    I encourage you to go to the RDA WG page and comment the output:
    Comments will be then discussed and integrated into v2.0 which will be the WG final version.
    Thank you all for your help.
    Kind regards,
    Morane Gruenpeter
    Inria research center
    Software Heritage team

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