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The new RDA web platform is still being rolled out. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Please report bugs, broken links and provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Stay updated about the web site milestones at

Its official!

  • Creator
  • #97748

    Dear Members of EoR IG
     Yes! we are officially an IG now
    It is my honor to let you know that this group is now a recognized and endorsed entity within RDA!
    Thank you for expressing an early interest in the RDA Evaluation of Research IG through your communications, your participation,  your BoF attendance at multiple plenaries and for your membership here
     Next areas of work:

    Stakeholders’ Forum: We will be reaching out to members of the Stakeholders Forum for representatives, as proposed and listed in the charter. If you feel your group should be included in this Forum, please contact the co-chairs for further discussion.
    Landscape Analysis: If you are interested in contributing to this work (as outlined in the charter), please add your name to the members’ list here.

    It is a delight to have reached this milestone with your help, support, and advisement – Thank you all!

    Obligingly yours,
    Devika alongwith Amy, Emma and Francoise

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