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Fiesta ETHRD-IG! Community celebration of education & training material and metadata richness

  • Creator
  • #133946

    Katarzyna Biernacka

    Starting with an introduction to the ETHRD-IG and welcoming of the new co-chairs, we would like to focus on the importance of training materials in RDM and their impact on learning outcomes. We invite the community to showcase their training materials and to share their experiences in describing them while publishing it in repositories.
    Part 1 (20 min): Welcome

    Introduction and welcome of the new co-chairs  (5 min)

    overview of current work and future plans, goals for this meeting (10 min)

    Skills4EOSC / FAIR by Design (3 min)

    Goals for this meeting (2 min)

    Renew: Call for new co-chairs  (1 min)

    Questions. (3 min)

    Part 2 (60 min): Showcase of training materials

    2-4 presentations (á 5 min – 20 min)

    Group work: (20 min)

    Introduce to tool of choice for the exercise

    interactive activity where participants describe their training materials using the minimal metadata set for learning materials

    Encourage participants to reflect on their contributions and discuss challenges they faced while creating or using training materials.

    Facilitate discussions on the challenges and requirements unique to various disciplines. (20 min)

    What about extended metadata, 

    What is missing in material usability, topic, audience / target groups

    Part 3 (15 min): Next steps

    Deriving from group report outs, identify potential future areas of work

    Confirm commitments to next steps

    Align around goals for P22.

    Additional links to informative material

    IG-ETHRD page:

    IG-ETHRD wiki: 

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Professionalising Data Stewardship IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The ETHRD-IG provides a venue for exchanging information about existing developments and initiatives related to education and training on research data handling. Providing necessary education and training is critical to uncovering the benefits of worldwide Open Data activities, realising the potential of data-driven research, and increasing the efficiency and impact of all modes of research, to ultimately improve our world.
    In this session we will be building upon past work of the IG to continue work within the current context of the data professional education environment and contribute to the work of the IG in ways that will benefit existing initiatives and uncover new initiatives, ripe for synergistic contributions. The goal is to address data science and research data handling education and training by facilitating information exchange and cooperation between efforts around the world that are supporting the education of data professionals and training of those handling research data.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Click here for the collaborative session notes
    In the ever-evolving landscape of research data management, the availability of high-quality training materials is crucial to motivate and support researchers, data professionals, and institutions. This meeting aims to explore existing training materials in RDM, celebrate their contributions, and connect them to previous task group work by utilising the minimal metadata set for learning materials and the core characteristics for providers. We will also identify gaps for future development and focus on learning objectives specific to disciplinary data, ensuring comprehensive and effective training.
     We can achieve this together through:

    Showcasing and celebrating existing education and training materials on research data management 

    Connecting materials to previous task group work by utilising the minimal metadata set for learning materials 

    Engaging participants in identifying gaps in available training materials 

    Developing learning objectives tailored to disciplinary data for improved training outcomes based on existing generic learning objectives

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3, Breakout 6

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