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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

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  • #103663

    Dear Early Career and Engagement Interest Group members,
    We’d like to share these important news items for your information.

    The Call for Posters for Virtual Plenary 16 is now open! Submissions close on the 11th of October. Find out more and submit your poster: “”
    We’re scheduling a webinar in early September that will serve to familiarize our first-time plenary participants with RDA and the P16 event, addressing how plenaries work, scheduling sessions, and how to submit proposals. Details to follow!
    RDA is seeking candidates for the annual TAB election, to be held in November 2020. Applications and seconds are due by 23:59 UTC on 1 October 2020. Elections will open on 9 November 2020, and close on 23 November 2020. Find out more: “”
    A reminder to you that 4 August is the deadline for the Call for Sessions submissions for Virtual Plenary 16. Please plan ahead, and here’s the link for details! “–open-virtual-plenary-16”

    Wishing you well, and thanks!
    Jamie Petta, on behalf of the RDA Secretariat

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