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  • #129717

    Emma Lazzeri

    Dear Jamie,
    Many thanks for the information regarding the webinars.
    Dear Jamie,
    Many thanks for the information regarding the webinars.
    Is the
    > FAIR in HL7: New standards for supporting Health Research
    Happening the 5th of July on a Sunday or is it a mistake? It seems strange to me that the webinar is happening on a weekend…
    As I will not be able to follow the webinar on Sunday, will it be possible to access the recording ?
    Many thanks
    Dr. Emma Lazzeri, PhD
    Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo” – CNR
    Via Moruzzi, 1
    56124 Pisa, Italy
    Tel: +39 050 621-2983 – Fax: +39 050 621-3464
    email: ***@***.***
    skype: skyemma

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