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Join RDA activities in the Upcoming Plenary!

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  • #100567

    Hello friends!
    We hope this email finds you well 🙂
    Few days remain until we meet again in the 18th Plenary session and we look forward to seeing you and chatting about all things research data!
    Besides our session that takes place on Wednesday, 3 November during the break out 2, we were contacted by the Engaging Researchers with Research Data IG who is seeking for an Early Career Researcher to join their panel bringing together researchers and service providers to discuss how they engage in Research Data Management activities and what they contribute to the R&I ecosystem. 
    Let us know if you would like to take part in the panel so that we get you in contact with our RDA colleagues!
    Thank you very much.
    Kind regards,
    On behalf of the RDA ECEIG chairs
    Elli Papadopoulou
    Information Management Systems Institute 
    ATHENA Research Center

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