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WG DMP Common Standards – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting

  • Creator
  • #134404

    Tomasz Miksa

    Meeting title 
    DMP Common Model and New Pilots (Remote Access Instructions)
    Collaborative session notes:
    Meeting Location: Commonwealth B
    Short introduction describing the scope of the group and if any previous activities 
    Data Management Plans (DMPs) are semi-structured but largely free-form text documents describing data used and produced in research projects. The workload and bureaucracy often associated with traditional DMPs can be reduced when they become machine-actionable. However, there is no common definition of what machine-actionable DMPs really are. This hinders the communication between stakeholders and leads to scepticism, or conversely to exaggerated expectations.
    The RDA working group on DMP Common Standards works to clarify what machine-actionable DMPs are. It develops a common data model for machine-actionable DMPs that will enable exchange of information between systems acting on behalf of stakeholders involved in the research life cycle, such as, researchers, funders, repository managers, ICT providers, librarians, etc. The group also develops standard workflows to demonstrate how the machine-actionable DMPs can be implemented by connecting them to various systems, such as, CRIS, repositories, or funder systems.
    During the session we will present the common model for maDMPs and will discuss ongoing and future pilot projects implementing the model.
    Additional links to informative material related to the group 
    Go to our GitHub repository to find information on the maDMP model:
    – documentation
    – diagrams
    – examples
    – FAQ

    Slides from the last plenary summarizing group activity:
    Paper summarizing activities of the WG within the first 12 months (presented at IEEE CAS workshop):
    Paper describing results of the open stakeholder consultation (presented at iPRES 2018):
    Case Statement:
    RDA group’s website:
    Meeting objectives 
    – engage with stakeholders involved in research data management
    – present common data model developed in course of the WG activity
    – discuss future pilot implementations
    – receive feedback on all of the above
    – discuss other activities and initiatives complementing developments of this WG
    – plan next actions
    Meeting agenda
    Part 1 – Introduction for newcomers
    — goals of this WG
    — summary of what we did so far
    Part 2 – Common model for machine-actionable DMPs
    — Presentation of the model
    — Discussion
    Part 3 – Ongoing and future pilot implementations
    — Evaluations and prototypes developed to date
    — New ideas for model adoption
    — Discussion
    Part 4 – Wrap up and Future of the WG
    — Timeline
    — Discussion
    Group chair serving as contact person
    Tomasz Miksa
    Type of meeting
    Working meeting 
    Target Audience
    Everyone who is considered a stakeholder within the research data lifecycle is welcomed. For example, you should come, if you are…
    – a researcher – to discuss those things that are wrong with DMPs which could be
    fixed when they are machine-actionable,
    – a repository operator – to discuss how to improve ingest and foster automatic sourcing of
    information from DMPs,
    – a service provider – to help us to identify which services must be rolled out to
    automate DMP specific tasks and support researchers in proper data management,
    – a policy maker – to discuss your view of how machine-actionable DMPs can
    support better adoption of policies,
    – a research facilitator – to discuss which common tasks can be automated and
    which will always require human interaction and support.
    No prior preparation is needed, but a look at the linked resources is definitely helpful.

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