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SV: [External] SU-EOSC Nordic maDMP project full dataset now published in Dataverse

  • Creator
  • #98746

    Joakim Philipson

    Hi all,
    this is just to inform you that the full dataset of the SU-EOSC Nordic 5.3.2 maDMP project, that was mentioned at the RDA for Data Management Planning workshop on Nov. 10, has now been published in Dataverse:
    The full dataset includes different versions of the so- called SU-VR maDMP template (as PDF, still the only export format for custom templates in DMP Online), DMP instance examples made with these templates, with output files as .pdf, html, json and xml (converted and transformed), + software scripts (xslt, Schematron schema, RDA madmp-schema-1.1.json)
    From the abstract:
    Stockholm University SU-VR template (pdf) in DMP Online, based on Swedish Research Council (VR) and Science Europe model (sections I-VI and original questions), but with more specified question and answer options by means of multiple choice checkboxes , dropdown menus, radio buttons for increased machine actionability of output. The template has possible answers formatted with respect to Stockholm University Research Data Policy, local research data management rules and the RDA DMP Common Standard. The objectives are to make it easier to fill out for the individual researcher and the output (from DMP Online API v0) more machine-actionable, thus facilitating review, validation against RDA DMP Common Standard maDMP-schema and evaluation of potential FAIRness of data management measures described in the DMP. …
    In Dataverse the Tree view (tab) is recommended for an overview. You may download all (70) files as a zip-archive, or just individual files, e.g. those in the latest template v40 folder + the script files below (.json, .sch, .xsl)
    There will also be a paper submitted to the Data Science journal / Codata (deadline 15 Dec.), which apart from the project described in Dataverse above will also describe some of the work done in Norway within easyDMP and more briefly touch upon some other maDMP projects and tools (including DSW and Damap).
    Best regards,
    Joakim Philipson

  • Author
  • #129195

    Rory Macneil

    Hi Joakim,
    Thanks for letting us know.  This is great — congratulations on the

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