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Re: [rda-datamanagplans][dmp-common] RE: [rda-datamanagplans][dmp-common][exposing-plans] An unfortunate clash in the schedule for P10

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  • #118072

    Kevin Ashley

    On 06/09/17 17:32, sjDCC wrote:

    > They blogged a while back and Steph and I subsequently had a call with them. We actually encouraged them to come to RDA as we want to collaborate more.
    > The overlap is significant and Stephanie had already emailed RDA to see if one could be rescheduled but we haven’t heard anything back.
    OK, that’s good to know. I believe Timea Biro handled the scheduling again this
    time so she is the best person to ask. However, an email to the secretariat
    should have produced a response. I think it’s probably too late to get a change
    now but worth asking. I think we would be more likely to get a response if
    we can also suggest a solution – another group willing to swap with us or with
    the BoF (preferred.)
    I’ve looked back at the emails I saw back in July about this & the spreadsheet
    that was used to schedule sessions and identify conflicts. At that time, these
    two sessions had an identified conflict and were scheduled for different
    timeslots. It would be interesting to know what’s caused the later move.

    Kevin Ashley. Director, Digital Curation Centre
    E: ***@***.*** @kevingashley | P: DCC, Argyle Hse (F West),
    T: +44 131 651 3823/1239 (helpdesk) | Lady Lawson St,
    M: +44 7817 402 498 | Edinburgh EH3 9DR, Scotland
    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
    Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
    OK, that’s good to know. I believe Timea Biro handled the scheduling again this
    time so she is the best person to ask. However, an email to the secretariat
    should have produced a response. I think it’s probably too late to get a change
    now but worth asking. I think we would be more likely to get a response if
    we can also suggest a solution – another group willing to swap with us or with
    the BoF (preferred.)
    I’ve looked back at the emails I saw back in July about this & the spreadsheet
    that was used to schedule sessions and identify conflicts. At that time, these
    two sessions had an identified conflict and were scheduled for different
    timeslots. It would be interesting to know what’s caused the later move.

    Kevin Ashley. Director, Digital Curation Centre
    E: ***@***.*** @kevingashley | P: DCC, Argyle Hse (F West),
    T: +44 131 651 3823/1239 (helpdesk) | Lady Lawson St,
    M: +44 7817 402 498 | Edinburgh EH3 9DR, Scotland
    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
    Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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